
From 35C3 Wiki

Description AcroYoga is a physical practice which combines yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage.
Website(s), acroyoga
Type Hands-On
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, music, inside
Tags Yoga, Acrobatics, AcroYoga
Person organizing
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
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Starts at 2018/12/28 22:00
Ends at 2018/12/28 23:30
Duration 90 minutes
Location Room:Seminar room 13
Starts at 2018/12/29 12:00
Ends at 2018/12/29 14:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Room:Lecture room M3
Starts at 2018/12/30 16:00
Ends at 2018/12/30 17:30
Duration 90 minutes
Location Room:Lecture room M3

AcroYoga is a physical practice which combines yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage.

We invite you to come over and enjoy two hours of exercise, contact and fun! If you ever dreamed of flying, this is your chance... ;)

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, an amateur or a pro, and you also don't need to worry about a partner. We will work as a group and give everyone the chance to have a good Acroyoga experience.

If you have especially fitting clothing and you don't wanna miss your favorite yoga mat – please bring them! But if you don't have these things we'll be able to manage, too. All you really need to bring is the desire to do some Acroyoga! :)

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