Congress Everywhere Breaktime
Description | Congress Everywhere remote contact room during the early evening Fahrplan break. Room for creative videoconferencing or self-organized streaming to fill the gap. |
Website(s) | |
Type | Meeting |
Kids session | No |
Keyword(s) | social |
Tags | Conferencing, WebRTC, Multisite Video Connection |
Processing assembly | CCCFr |
Person organizing | Myon |
Language | de - German, en - English |
Other sessions... |
Subtitle | Evening 1 conferencing studio |
Starts at | 2015/12/27 19:00 |
Ends at | 2015/12/27 20:30 |
Duration | 90 minutes |
Location | Hall 14 |
Subtitle | Evening 2 conferencing studio |
Starts at | 2015/12/28 19:00 |
Ends at | 2015/12/28 20:30 |
Duration | 90 minutes |
Location | Hall 14 |
Subtitle | Evening 3 conferencing studio |
Starts at | 2015/12/29 19:30 |
Ends at | 2015/12/29 20:30 |
Duration | 60 minutes |
Location | CCCFr |
[hide]Congress Everywhere remote partipication is mostly related to watch some livestreams. But there are breaks in the Fahrplan not offering live content for remote sites, if we do not provide some by ourselfs.
This slot is for filling the evening break. We will meet our friends at home using our WebRTC webconferencing stuff. Feel free to bring in your equipment. The goal is to provide some "informal" congress feeling beyond congress talks.
With your contributions, we perhaps will find a way to glue different remote sites together with us ... we welcome your proposals. Of course, anyone coming is invited to share howtos and insights on multisite webconferencing technologies :-)
Day3 session was shifted from hall 13 to our CCCFr assembly. You may find it near "Bällebad" at the very rear stage of level1. Due to the "no-cam" policy around our assembly in general, we implemented a "hot chair" setup, where you may go on-air wearing an audio headset. Group communicaton with remote sites is therefore limited (background noise in that region would detoriate this anyway) However, you are invited to join a conference session as a single person from any silent place as well.
Telepresence Technology Improvement Project (TTIP)
We do not want to fallback into Skype nor Google Hangout, unlike all those remote-connected congress talks do since years . There are stable webRTC alternatives hosted within Europe. Let´s make use of it.
However, as in any live online conference setting, the main challenge is to get the remote site on hook. While congress remote talks are to be prepared within hours , a Conference Everywhere site can be prepared and tested in advance.
WebRTC-based browser sessions do not require nasty Java/Flash environments nor installation of closed-source binaries. This opens a new quick-prep perspective to overcome skyping in adhoc conferencing too.
Jitsi Meet
This is the browser-based version of Jitsi. No need to install Jitsi´s thick old Java client ;-)
* Conference link
Sharing your Screen or some Application Window requires you to install Jitsi´s Desktop Streamer Extension
Collaborate Ultra
is a closed-source webRTC conferencing service hosted in Amsterdam. We used it as state-of-the-art benchmark and found it quite stable and nice for hall-projection: No need to hangout nor skype even under professional contraints :-)
Sharing your Screen-/App requires you to install this Chrome-Extension
* Conference Link * CCCFr Assembly Hot Chair * Subtitler & Orga Chair
For mobile participation , you may want to install the Android App via non-EU proxy.
This open source project seems to have some potential, but did not evolve remarkably since last year. It currently lacks the capability to share the screen out of the box.
* Conference link
on webRTC multisite conferencing platforms used in this session:
Using Chromium/Chrome or Opera is recommended! Firefox v43.x faces some performance issues on how they handle multiple webRTC streams . Collaborate Ultra allows to run on current Firefox (Safari, etc.), but falls back to Flash usage. Not recommended ;)
on AV peripherals attached to desktop conferencing solutions
Regarding group audio, it was a good idea to provide the echo-cancellation in hardware, because softwareAEC is by nature imperfect and very CPU-consuming. AEC built in sofware clients might perform sufficient for 2-3 people sitting in a silent office, but not in a hard walled empty room nor under high background noise constraints.
Reviewed Challenges
Looking back, it was challenging to adapt to the peripheral conditions. A workshop room is a good choice, if you want to have low-background noise and privacy controlled cam operation without the hazzle to keep the cam´s view background always safe. However, it is quite hard to provide "congress feeling" under such studio conditions, with just a few people in the rooms. We found it hard to setup and tear down equipment for each session within the booked timeslot. Therefore we decided to move the 3rd session from workshoproom to our assembly. There we placed in between of "informal congress atmosphere", but were challenged by the many "no-cam" activists around who required approval, that we do not transmit unwanted audio or video to the public network, but a conference room only.
Thanks to anyone having contributed in that session. We will be back next year with an improved setup.
[CCCFr wiki] (32C3@Freiburg)