Description Staying in South Brasil and working at Goethe Insitut Porto Alegre, Brasil. With six artists from Mercosul and Germany we developed together the exhibition “observation space” about chaos and order, South America and European migration, culture and identity.
Tags arts, migration, raspberry pi, robotic
Person organizing Artlabs
Language en - English
en - English
Duration 5
Desired session Day 4
Desired timeframe middle


About the MALM - Media Art Lab Mercosul in Porto Alegre, the Brazil and German artist group there and my personal installations.

Eikonal installation interactive media-installation with two Raspberry Pi’s and one Pi2Go, programmed in Pure Data. The installation emphasizes on surveillance. The titel is inspirated by the “Operation Eikonal”, the German secret service (BND) delivered an enormous amount of private dates to the NSA. The installation plays with the moment of monitoring, makes it visible and experiencable. „Eikonal“ is a physical term and describes mathematically the expansion of waves. A possible form can be a heart which is integrated into the installation. A softly moving graphical projection (programmed on Raspberry) reacts on Movements and is opposed by the surveillance video of the visitors, their “Eikon”. The robot Pi2Go with a camera follows a ficitve borderline in the form of an heart and streams the video to a Raspberry.

  1. SPyramide

internetive media-installation with 6 CRT monitors and one Raspberry Pi, programmed in Python. Tweet with Hashtag #SPyramide and the installation answers with cow ASCII art

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