Secure your Android 2nd time

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Description Due to the interest, we have our workshop a 2nd time: You can turn your standard Android phone into a device which gives you significant more control over our data. It just needs a little bit of love and sacrifice.
Type Hands-On
Kids session No
Tags Android, Security, Privacy, Hands-on
Processing assembly Free Software Foundation Europe
Person organizing N0airc0n
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at 2014/12/29 18:00
Ends at 2014/12/29 20:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall 13

We will show how you can turn your standard Android phone into a device which gives you significant more control over your data. It is challenging to achieve a strong security property like anonymity. Nevertheless there is a lot of control to be gained by using encrypted VoIP for voice communication and to rely on VPN solutions to protect content data, or even resist traffic analysis.

Most of the work that can be done with reasonable effort is on the OS level. First we will show what we can do without rooting, and how far can we make it without a custom firmware. Then we will cover how to get a decently secure device given we are prepared to sacrifice some comfort.

Steps include replacing Google apps with custom apps, using private cloud services, securing mail and chat, and getting rid of popular apps that leak data – given the train wreck of Android’s apps rights system there is not much alternative. Finally, we’ll talk about the risks and benefits of alternative app stores, rooting and custom firmwares.

You can turn your standard Android phone into a device which gives you significant more control over our data. It just needs a little bit of love and sacrifice.