Description Do you remember the days before DevOps? The days when developers and system admins alike just

concentrated on the application and servers and the data was mere byproduct of the application? Data has become someone's content, someone's privacy and a gold mine of interesting trends. Data is no longer the byproduct of an application. This change has effect on the lives of the developers and as well as the lives of those who operate the systems. Have you seen this shift? How do you handle it when it hits you? Data protection and privacy are hot topics even outside the debate around national 3 letter acronyms.

Type Talk
Keyword(s) security
Person organizing Saliente
Language en - English
Other session...

Subtitle Handling data in operations: When data became child of an application and started to live life of its own
Starts at 2013/12/29 06:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/29 06:45:00 PM
Duration 45 minutes
Location Hall 14

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