Description Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginative content such as futuristic settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. Exploring the consequences of scientific innovations is one purpose of science fiction, making it a "literature of ideas". Science fiction has been used by authors as a device to discuss philosophical ideas such as identity, desire, morality, and social structure. (Wikipedia)
Type Talk
Keyword(s) social, political, art
Person organizing Birdy1976
Language en - English
Other session...

Subtitle 1st try... But no beamer...
Starts at 2013/12/30 10:00:00 AM
Ends at 2013/12/30 10:42:00 AM
Duration 42 minutes
Location Hall E

Subtitle 2nd try...
Starts at 2013/12/30 03:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/30 03:42:00 PM
Duration 42 minutes
Location Hall 14

Don't panic! This talk is just for fun... And yes, there will be school violence ;-)

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