Description We will be showing you how to make Korean kimchi, and we'll be tasting various types from cabbage, radish, cucumber. We'll also try some recipes based on kimchi, for instance kimchi pancakes. There might also be some Korean side dishes or snacks around, like fermented octopus...
Type Workshop
Keyword(s) food
Processing assembly Food Hacking Base
Person organizing Bigmac
Language en - English
Other session...

We will be showing you how to make Korean kimchi, and we'll be tasting various types from cabbage, radish, cucumber. We'll also try some recipes based on kimchi, for instance kimchi pancakes. There might be some Korean side dishes or snacks around, like fermented octopus...

Freshly made kimchi

Freshly made kimchi, ready for fermenting

Bubbling kimchi

2 jars of kimchi, 1 jar of octopus, bubbling away preparing for 30c3 fhb

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