Description YoungHackersDay at 30c3

Hands-on Electronics for starters U23

Have fun and build exciting projects with us. Drinks and snacks will be served during the workshop. Every workshop you attend, you'll earn a stamp in your personal hackers passport.

Information for parents and teachers

We introduce you to the "Chaos-goes-School"-project, inform about chances and risks of social media and give hints for responsible internet usage. During the event you can ask us any question about data security or other related issues.

Type Hands-On
Keyword(s) hardware
Person organizing
Language de - German, en - English, nl - Dutch
Related to Chaos macht Schule
Other session...

Subtitle Blocker
Starts at 2013/12/29 10:00:00 AM
Ends at 2013/12/29 06:00:00 PM
Duration 480 minutes
Location Hall D

Hands-on Fun through Electronics

small is beautiful

Together we explore the basics of electronics while you are soldering and desiging a tiny robot and learn how to program it, so you can be the commander. You can even take it home, if you want! Or build your own alarm system and check it out how it works.

A Drop of Data can change your Life

open for teachers, parents and students alike

Today more and more are marked by a digital tattoo and it can last and determine your life for ever. In this free workshop we present the Chaos-goes-School project and address the challenges, dangers, and the benefits, for young people in joining Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other social networks. We inform you about what steps you can take to improve your digital footprint which is the data trace left by your activity in this digital world.

For further info about Chaos-goes-School projects visit [[1]]

Info [[2]]

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