Description This workshop will teach you bases of traditional kimchi preparation and it's history, taught by native Korean.
Type Hands-On
Keyword(s) food
Processing assembly Food Hacking Base
Person organizing Eunha
Language en - English, ko - Korean
Other session...

Subtitle make your own Koraen style kimchi
Starts at 2013/12/29 04:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/29 06:00:00 PM
Duration 120 minutes
Location Food Hacking Base

Kimchi panorama

In this workshop you will prepare at least one, preferably two types of traditional Korean kimchi, both based on wild fermentation, one made from Chinese cabbage and the other made from Korean radish under the supervision of native Korean Kvasir.

The preparation of vegetable ferments in Korea, called “kimchies”, is an ancient fermentation skill based on wild fermentation starter (lactic acid producing bacteria among the others) and variety of ingredients added.

This workshop is a hands-on experience that reviews the basic history and theory of Korean kimchi making and today's preparation style. Yous will learn how to make Chinese cabbage kimchi, preparing it yourselves, and, if time allows, also Korean radish based kimchi. Also you will harvest kimchi prepared in advance so you can taste different samples.

This workshop is donation based, 5-10 EU will cover the ingredient costs, anything more is welcome. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

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