Description Group of people from Cologne who protest against too much survailance by being present in the streets of Cologne with demonstrations, solemn vigil, weird activitises like walking down big streets with a coffin and lanterns looking like cameras or just placing a lot of stickers, flyers and posters everywhere. We are also working on panels at the university.
Has website
Persons working on Katzazi, Protestnik
Located at assembly Freiheitsfoo
Other projects...

German: Hinter #StopWatchingUs Köln stehen Menschen aus der Gegend von Köln, die es nicht länger hinnehmen, dass ihre Grundrechte mit Füßen getreten werden! Wir sind ein breit aufgestelltes Bündnis aus allen gesellschaftlichen Schichten, das breit in die Mitte der Gesellschaft hineinwirken möchte. Uns eint der Protest gegen den Überwachungswahn.

English: Behind #StopWatchingUs Köln stands a group of people from the area of Cologne, who don't want to accept that their basic rights are trampled under foot! We are a broadly based alliance from all social ranks, that wants to affect the mainstream of society. We are unified by the protest against the "Überwachungswahn" (delusion of surveillance).

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