Session:IPFS: The Permanent Web

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Description This workshop will guide the user through IPFS

- What is IPFS?

- Installing IPFS

- Installing IPFS on a VPS.

- Transferring files with IPFS

- Publishing websites with IPFS (inc IPNS and DNS)

- Video streaming with IPFS

- Docker on IPFS

- Writing small programs to use IPFS as a database

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files. In some ways, IPFS is similar to the Web, but IPFS could be seen as a single BitTorrent swarm, exchanging objects within one Git repository. In other words, IPFS provides a high throughput content-addressed block storage model, with content-addressed hyperlinks. This forms a generalized Merkle DAG, a data structure upon which one can build versioned file systems, blockchains, and even a Permanent Web. IPFS combines a distributed hashtable, an incentivized block exchange, and a self-certifying namespace. IPFS has no single point of failure, and nodes do not need to trust each other.

Type Hands-On
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software, network, web, hacking, coding
Tags IPFS, P2P, Decentralize, Web, Go, JS, JavaScript, Storage, OpenCodeTown
Processing village Village:OpenCodeTown
Person organizing User:Daviddias
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions... ... further results

Subtitle Intro and Hands-On
Starts at 2015/08/16 21:00
Ends at 2015/08/16 22:15
Duration 75 minutes
Location Room:Hackcenter 2

The session has moved from Open Code Town to **Workshop 2**
