
Leere Talks? Relive!


Warum gibt es so viele leere Talks auf media.ccc.de? Wir ‘veröffentlichen’ automatisch Vorab-Mitschnitte aus den Live-Stream.

Wir haben zu diesen Themen viele interessierte Fragen bekommen und möchten Euch in diesem Beitrag kurz die Technik dahinter vorstellen.

Wie kam es zu Relive?

Früher™ hat es manchmal Wochen gedauert, bis Mitschnitte von Vorträgen online waren. In der Community gab es dann sogenannte „Streamdumps“, die man sich kompliziert zusammensuchen musste bzw. schwer auffindbar waren. Leider war auch die Qualität der Streamdumps meistens auch nicht gut oder wurden durch Dritte …

Call for Subtitles


As you might know, during 32c3 the Subtitles Angels created real-time subtitles for all the talks which took place in Hall 1 and 2. These allowed hearing impaired visitors to follow the talks, and also provided assistance to the non-native German or English speakers.

cch outside

Foto: CC public domain zero 1.0 by Sanpi via flickr

As the last recordings are being released, the task of creating subtitles for all recording has …

#32C3 lecture streaming and recording


Dear Congress visitors and those who didn’t make it: Like in the previous years, the Video Operation Center will provide you with live streams and recordings of all main lecture halls (1, 2, G and 6) and the stage at Sendezentrum. As usual, you’ll find the video and audio streams at https://streaming.media.ccc.de and the recordings at https://media.ccc.de/c/32c3.
We also publish to our YouTube Channel “media.ccc.de” to cater to those with broken playback devices. We’ll continually be publishing the recordings there during Congress. Please avoid linking other channels which re-upload our work …

Video and audio streaming during #cccamp15


As with most chaos events, c3voc and friends will cater for recording and streaming of the lectures in the two main tents. On the campsite you will be able to watch them on DVB-T channels 35, 40, 49 or listen to them on your DECT or GSM phone (numbers 8001 & 8002 and 8011 & 8012 for simultaneous interpretation). There will be programming broadcast on FM radio at 89.30 MHz and DAB at 211.648 MHz (channel 10B).

If you participate via the internet, you can enjoy our live streams using your favorite device at https://streaming.media.ccc.de. If all goes well, we will also provide ReLive …