
Enjoy and Celebrate Creativity and Curiosity!


We have 2 main music spaces for you at this years camp: Rockmore Booth, and Kemistry Lounge. “Rockmore Booth” will be playing from 2pm to 8pm daily (except on Day 1 starting at 5pm). The “Kemistry Lounge” will be playing from 8pm-5am daily.

With the majority of artists coming from the midst of our community and family we present you an on many levels diverse line-up of various artists. Please check all the dirty details here in our Abfahrplan, you’ll also find further links for most sets. We just updated from 303 to 606, there might be another version 707, 808 or even 909 in the next days. …

Play, dance and chill with Fairy Dust!


After standing in the cold for quite a long time, the Fairy Dust waits for you and your video-art-vision in the heat of Discodrama.

This is one of our four spots with art, culture, music and beauty at 35C3. Just like assemblies show their geeky stuff, these places show artsy stuff: Champions in their respective fields have stepped out of their bubble into ours, to give us light’n’beauty. Now they are curious about your reaction to their passion. Let’s all explore the entire universe – not only these four spaces: