Reverse engineering a train to analyze a suspicious malfunction
MrTick, q3k, Redford
We've all been there: the trains you're servicing for a customer suddenly brick themselves and the manufacturer claims that's because you've interfered with a security system. This talk will tell the story of a series of Polish EMUs (Electric Multiple Unit) that all refused to move a few days after arriving at an “unauthorized” service company. We'll go over how a train control system actually works, how we reverse-engineered one and what sort of magical “security” systems we actually found inside of it. Reality sometimes is stranger than the wildest CTF task. Reality sometimes is running `` on a dozen trains.
Hans Gelke
An open source project involving an automated telephone exchange powered by Raspberry Pi, utilizing old rotary phones. The system imitates exchange setups from different countries across the globe, allowing users to feel the genuine experience.
The hardware behind the music of Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, and more
kleines Filmröllchen
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System's sound coprocessor, the S-SMP, runs on the mostly-forgotten SPC700 architecture. To understand why the sound of Super Metroid or SMW was so ahead of its time, we will look at all the details of how this processor works and how it plays music.
Eine Musikbox für Kinder, Maker und Hacker
0xbadbee, g3gg0, Gambrius, Moritz
Ein Vortrag über den erfolgreichen Kinder-Audioplayer „Toniebox“ mit Content-Hosting in der Cloud, der nicht nur Einblicke in die (un-)heimliche Datensammlungspraxis bietet, sondern auch gleich passende Lösungen dazu. Custom-Firmware, selfhosted Cloud-Ersatz und Tools zum Erzeugen von Inhalten ohne Herstellercloud.
Unlocking a system with 100% open source firmware
In an era where vendors increasingly seek to use proprietary software in the devices around us to exert control over their users, the desire for open source software has expanded to the firmware that allows our machines to function, and platforms which individuals can trust and control have never been more important. However, changes to hardware platforms in recent years such as the Intel ME, vendor-supplied binary blobs and vendor-signed firmware images have repeatedly set back efforts to create open source firmware for the computers we use. The release of Power servers with 99% open source firmware excited many who had been searching for a computer they could trust, but one proprietary firmware blob remained: that of the Ethernet controller. This is the story of how that blob was reverse engineered and replaced with an open source replacement, delivering the first machine with desktop-class performance and 100% open source firmware in many years.
Bringing the Hacker Mindset to the Space Ecosphere - The story behind the Libre Space Foundation (LSF)
fredy, Manthos Papamatthaiou
Embark on Libre Space Foundation's journey into the world of open-source space exploration, where a passionate community of hackers and makers is challenging the traditional defense-driven approach to spacefaring. Discover how we are democratizing space by embracing open-source technologies, community collaboration, and a commitment to sustainability.
With the power of open source!
elly, sdomi
Deep dive into (ex)ChromeOS hardware from developer's perspective.
Mehr als nur Lärm: Ein Sprint vom kleinen Audio-Einmaleins bis zum Phasealignment mit FFT-Analyzer
Mehr als nur Lärm: Ein Sprint vom kleinen Audio-Einmaleins bis zum Phasealignment mit FFT-Analyzer Von “Disco Dieter” bis zur ausgewachsenen Stadioninstallation - gegen physikalische Grundprinzipien kann man wenig tun. Manchmal kann man Sie für sich nutzen, meistens geht man Kompromisse ein. Oft lässt sich mit einfachen Mitteln Sound verbessern.
The GB Interceptor
How do you capture a video from an 1989's Game Boy without modding the original hardware? With an adapter cartridge that spies on the memory bus! Let's talk about how to reconstruct the Game Boy's memory state, emulate its graphics unit and then encode the image into an MJPEG stream for anyone to use as a USB video class device. In realtime. On an rp2040 microcontroller.
Wie wir mit begrenzten Mitteln ein U-Boot gebaut haben und was ihr draus lernen könnt.
Elias, quirsh
3,4 Tonnen schwer, 4,3 Meter lang, Material: Stahl, Farbe: Orange und der Fahrzeugtyp ist „Sporttauchboot”. Vom Fund eines Drucktanks bis zum ersten Tauchgang auf den Grund eines Tagebausees – wir erzählen von unseren größten Herausforderungen sowie Fehlschlägen. Wir laden euch ein zu einem technischen Beratungsgespräch für alle, die schonmal mit dem Gedanken gespielt haben, ein U-Boot zu bauen.
A Dive into Reverse Engineering and Understanding the iPod Touch
Martijn de Vos
This talk presents QEMU-iOS, an open-source emulator of legacy Apple devices. I outline the process of emulating an iPod Touch 2G, discussing the technical challenges and reverse engineering methodologies applied. The talk starts with an overview of the project's goals and then outlines the reverse engineering process, utilizing tools like Ghidra for disassembling the Apple bootloader, XNU kernel, and other binaries. Then, I describe QEMU, a popular framework for emulation, and show how essential iPod Touch peripherals such as the touchscreen, storage, and display have been implemented. Finally, this talk touches upon the implications of open-sourcing this project, its contribution to the emulation and reverse engineering landscape, and its potential for future efforts to emulate newer Apple devices.
Adventures running a NEC Vector Engine for fun and ... community
Johann-Tobias Schäg
The NEC Vector Engine (VE) isn't a GPU. It's a member of the only family of vector computers still alive today. Imagine a second CPU with a different instruction set running on the same Linux system. While obscure, it's a very approachable and hackable platform that is an addictingly fun machine to program and allows you to play with all the technologies seen in high-performance computing (HPC) today. I am going to cover lightheartedly what a small community learned about this singular hardware they shared: bemoaning a dangerous power plug standard, (ab)using this scientific simulation power house to run code never intended, some firmware and driver reversing, "rooting" a VE and more. I will also be giving an introduction to core concepts in HPC with knowledge transferable to any other (university) computer cluster and hopefully encouraging students and scientists to use those by making them seem less alien and hostile.
A gentle introduction to place & route algorithms for digital integrated circuits
After a brief introduction to digital circuits this talk will outline placement and routing algorithms used for creating digital integrated circuits.
This lecture will cover many aspect of designing a RISC-V CPU, out-of-order execution, multi-core, memory coherency, security and running linux and debian on a FPGA.
My technology portfolio to enable work, life, smart home and travel using a power wheelchair
Jan Goslicki
I am paralysed from the chest down, have no hand functions and sit in a power wheelchair. I will share some insights on spinal cord injury and my experiences of how I work, live and travel using a power wheelchair. There are millions of people who cannot control a computer, tablet, or smartphone with their hands. Assistive technology supports the main functionalities which are needed: mouse movement and different kinds of clicks. My portfolio of hands-free assistive technology enables me every day to be active without using my hands or feet. I’m going to present solutions which make my everyday life more comfortable.
A Wearable for the Visually Impaired Translating 3D Vision into Haptic Stimuli
Jakob Kilian
The Unfolding Space Glove transmits the relative position and distance of nearby objects as vibratory stimuli to the back of the hand, enabling blind people to haptically explore the depth of their surroundings. The talk will give a brief overview of the design research project, from the first prototypes to an empirical study and its publication, and provide insights into the underlying hardware and software.