Paglen (he/him)
How the history of military and government PSYOPS involving mind-control, UFOs, magic, and remote-control zombies, explains the future of AI and generative media. Along the way, talk attendees will be given an enrollment code to join a specialized CTF/ARG game called CYCLOPS that explores these themes and that will run the duration of Congress.
The demoscene is an underground computer art culture.
The demoscene is an underground computer art culture. The Speaker is a member of the Demoscene since the 1980ies and gives insights how it is now and how it was back in the days and how you can participate!
The artist behind the viral cryptid "Loab" reflects on her critical relationship to AI art tools
Steph Maj Swanson
In this talk, artist/writer Steph Maj Swanson will use the story of how her AI-generated character "Loab" arose (and went viral) as a jumping off point to present creative work and strategies that emerged from attempts to crack AI black boxes open. Aligned with the hacker ethos of exploration, experimentation and creative misuse, this talk presents adversarial artmaking practices for AI systems. It will also explore what it means to engage in cultural production today, as new forms of automation and centralization loom over the arts and entertainment industries. In the words of Nam June Paik: "I use technology in order to hate it more properly."
edavidova@gmail.com, Sakrowski, Sembo
Presentation/introduction to the ongoing 37C3 art exhibition groupshow with Joachim Blank, Eva Davidova, Meredith Drum, exonemo, Jonas Lund, Sahej Rahal, Ingeborg Wie by panke.gallery (Sakrowski).
Artistic Strategies to expose generative text-to-image models
aprilcoffee, Leon-Etienne Kühr
What occurs when machines learn from one another and engage in self-cannibalism within the generative process? Can an image model identify the happiest person or determine ethnicity from a random image? Most state-of-the-art text-to-image implementations rely on a number of limited datasets, models, and algorithms. These models, initially appearing as black boxes, reveal complex pipelines involving multiple linked models and algorithms upon closer examination. We engage artistic strategies like feedback, misuse, and hacking to crack the inner workings of image-generation models. This includes recursively confronting models with their output, deconstructing text-to-image pipelines, labelling images, and discovering unexpected correlations. During the talk, we will share our experiments on investigating Stable-Diffusion pipelines, manipulating aesthetic scoring in extensive public text-to-image datasets, revealing NSFW classification, and utilizing Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) to reveal biases and problematic correlations inherent in the daily use of these models.
Peter Breitenbach - echokammer, Philipp Breitenbach - echokammer, Thomas_Liebkose
Wir machen Sound Grafitti mit Echokammern, produzieren Protest-Jingles und Sprachwerkstätten. Mit diesem Beitrag möchten wir euch zwei Vorgehensweisen zu dieser Art von „Protest mit Sound als Audio Intervention" vorstellen, sowie die künstlerischen, kreativ-technischen Prozesse näher bringen und euch einladen, diese kritisch zu beäugen und zu hören, sich unserer Ideen und Verfahren zu ermächtigen und die dargestellten Formen und Ansätze nach eurem Belieben weiterzuentwickeln und anderweitig zu verwenden. Wir glauben an die Wirksamkeit von Vielfalt von Protest und sehen diesen als wichtiges Element demokratischer Meinungsbildung und um für politische Rechte zu kämpfen und gegen Diskriminierung mobil zu machen
PART II: disrupting disruption
Scooty, Speedy
OPENCOIL and the fine art of appropriating micro-mobility services for fun and debate.
27 December 2023 21:10CET - Simulating the Acoustics of Mars for a Concert of Martian Music by Scott Beibin (aka Ptelepathetique)
Scott Beibin
Date/Time: 27 December 2023 - Wednesday @ 21:10 CET +++ Simulating the Acoustics of Mars for a Concert of Martian Music by Scott Beibin (aka Ptelepathetique) +++ During Mission 286 in November 2023 at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), Analog Astronaut and crew artist Scott Beibin performed several concerts of original live musical compositions during a two week immersive astronaut training. +++ The concerts were played through a custom audio filter based on data gathered by the NASA Mars Perseverance Rover and created to simulate the acoustic properties of Mars - designed by Beibin and master audio engineer, John Knott. +++ The live sets were performed in the MDRS Science Dome as well as during EVAs while navigating the desolate terrain in a simulation space suit - at sunset with the MDRS base and remote Mars-like Utah desert serving as a backdrop. +++ This event was the first time in the 20 year history of the training facility that a music concert has been performed. +++ The presentation at 37C3 will be the first time this talk is being presented publicly. ++ Additionally there will be a full Ptelepathetique concert featuring Music of Mars (Please keep checking the schedule / Fahrplan for the announcement of the performance)
Technology and autonomy in more-than-human networks
festal, Gordan Savičić
What does it take to create a "wild animal"? While one might think "wildness" implies the absence of humans, in the age of the anthropocene and rapid climate change, the opposite is the case. It requires the development of an extensive, more-than-human-infrastructure. Our talk is based on artistic research into the ongoing rewilding project of the Northern bald ibis (Waldrapp), a large migratory bird, that has become extinct north of the alps in 1621 and are being released into the wild since 2013. The output of this research was rendered into a website which serves as a departure point of our talk.
Robert Seidel
Exploring the transfer of Seidel's experimental films into physical spaces reveals challenges that are intensifying with advances in machine learning, dissolving the lines between original and imitation. In this more or less silent restructuring of society, artists become templates for a digitally assembled future, challenging traditional hierarchies as history collapses into the present.
Frühes digitales Kulturerbe aufbereiten für Forschung und Communities
Torsten Roeder
Diskettenmagazine waren frühe elektronische Multimedia-Journale der 1980er und 1990er Jahre, die auf Diskette verbreitet wurden und nur auf den jeweils passenden Geräten benutzbar waren. Bibliotheken und Archive haben diese sogenannten „Diskmags" damals nicht berücksichtigt, mittlerweile stellen die ca. 2.500 Magazine aber eine wertvolle Quelle für die Forschung und die Diskmags-Communities dar. Das vorgestellte Projekt baut einen Katalog auf und macht Texte durchsuchbar.
Wave Terrain Synthesis - Contains Noise and Flashy Images
Eine audiovisuelle Performance, basierend auf Bild-zu-Ton-Umwandlung. Dynamisch wechselnde Bilder dienen als Realtime-Audiobuffer. Licht wird Sound. Beinhaltet stroboskopische Bilder und Hörinhalte in breiten Spektren.
A look into pipelines ending in museums and not in the cloud
In the original Hacker Ethics, Steven Levy stated that "you can create art and beauty on a computer". That was 40 years ago, creating art and beauty is one thing, but how do you maintain or develop it as a gallery, archive or museum? You know all about CI/CD and deploying to "the cloud"? Well, let me show you how to deploy to a museum or art space. Important note: this talk is not about NFTs.
Sound art performance exploring the concept of translation and containers by in both digital and analog realms
Pedro A. Ramírez
The work titled Buffered Daemons is a sound performance that attempts to explore the concepts of translation and non-local interaction in the sound realm. It does so by playing with the idiosyncrasies of audio representation/playback and mobilises them through the creation of an expanded musical situation.
Über Algorithmen im Krieg, aber was hat die Kunst damit zutun?
Simon Weckert
Die rapide Entwicklung autonomer Waffensysteme wirft drängende ethische und rechtliche Fragen auf. Ihre Anwendung hat kann weitreichende Auswirkungen auf militärische und zivile Bereiche haben. Der Vortrag beleuchtet die Technologien hinter dieser tödlichen Autonomie und veranschaulicht, wie die Kunstfreiheit von der Industrie angeignet wird, um Überwachungs und Militärtechnologie voranzutreiben. Welche Verwantwortung haben wir als Künstler\*innen, wenn wir digitale Werkzeuge verwenden ? Müssen wir stärker denn je unser Werkzeug und die Partner hinterfragen, denen wir helfen könnten, ihre tötlichen Technologien voranzutreiben ?