Peer-Inventing Assistive Technologies

From 35C3 Wiki

Description Currently different projects worldwide aim to support collaborative development, fabrication, and distribution, of assistive technologies (AT). Putting the potentials of maker culture to use in the process of peer-inventing individualized health care solutions looks promising, but distributed invention and development needs skills, roles, and organization. How do we actually make it work?
Type Discussion
Kids session No
Tags session:Track, crypto, privacy, anonymity, decentralisation, cryptocurrency
Processing assembly Assembly:Critical Decentralisation Cluster
Person organizing
Language en - English
en - English
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Starts at 2018/12/28 17:00
Ends at TBD
Duration TBD
Location Assembly:Critical Decentralisation Cluster

Currently different projects worldwide aim to support collaborative development, fabrication, and distribution, of assistive technologies (AT). Putting the potentials of maker culture to use in the process of peer-inventing individualized health care solutions looks promising, but distributed invention and development needs skills, roles, and organization. How do we actually make it work?

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