Open Knowledge Management: Let's build an ecosystem of interoperable tools.

From 35C3 Wiki

Description A gathering for knowledge management enthusiasts & developers dreaming of tools made for the individual, not for the masses; Knowledge Management & productivity applications and our data in it are notoriously isolated. It prevents us from having our tools match our workflows perfectly. How can we build our tools with interoperable, privacy focussed and open-source philosophies that enable everyone to get the perfect tools for their workflows? #beyondbookmarks #interoperability
Type Meeting
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political, software, web, science
Tags privacy, interoperability, Memex, Knowledge Management, Productivity
Person organizing
Language en - English
en - English
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Starts at 2018/12/30 14:00
Ends at TBD
Duration TBD

In this meetup we aim to gather knowledge management enthusiasts that either work on, or want to work on tools that are built around the principles of privacy, data interoperability/portability and open-source software.

We live in a time where proprietary, siloed applications host most of our knowledge. It's locked in messaging services, note-taking applications, email and many more. The problem is that each of those services is interested to lock us - and our data - in. As a result we cannot create data connections between those applications and implement our perfect knowledge management workflows. Even just linking an email to a contact is a pain, or listing all the websites a friend has ever shared with you on a messenger or social media.

Let's unite!
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