Introduction to beekeeping.

From 35C3 Wiki

Description Introduction to beekeeping, short presentation on how to keep 2-10 hives for honey and for fun. Good for the environment, too...
Website(s) 35c3
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) food
Tags bees, honey, insects, nature, buzz
Processing assembly Assembly:Foodhackingbase
Person organizing Lefrog
Language de - German, en - English, fr - French
de - German, en - English, fr - French
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Subtitle First session
Starts at 2018/12/27 17:30
Ends at 2018/12/27 18:15
Duration 45 minutes
Location Assembly:Foodhackingbase
Subtitle Second session
Starts at 2018/12/28 17:00
Ends at 2018/12/28 17:45
Duration 45 minutes
Location Assembly:Foodhackingbase

Does keeping bees have something to do with hacking? Yes, but probably not in the manner you may think. This short presentation will present you the biology of honey bees and what is necessary to keep them happy. It is mostly of interest to people considering keeping a few hives themselves.

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