Indoor Localization Game Controller

From 35C3 Wiki

Description Play video games using an indoor localization as a controller, so that you (physically) are the player! The installation is quite retro-ish and the open source game engine Godot was used, among other things.
Type Game
Kids session No
Keyword(s) hardware, software, art, game, inside, embedded
Tags Assembly:MOiN - Mehrere Orte im Norden
Processing assembly Assembly:MOiN - Mehrere Orte im Norden
Person organizing
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
Related to Projects:Theremin Game Controller
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Subtitle UFO game
Starts at 2018/12/28 17:30
Ends at 2018/12/28 19:30
Duration 120 minutes
Location Assembly:MOiN - Mehrere Orte im Norden
Subtitle UFO game
Starts at 2018/12/29 16:30
Ends at 2018/12/29 18:30
Duration 120 minutes
Location Assembly:MOiN - Mehrere Orte im Norden

What is this about

We have an indoor localization system, which allows us to receive positions of a tag (a small mobile device) with centimeter accuracy in the best case, and real time-ish (~10-20 Hz) update rate. We want to experiment with hands-on gaming with such a setup. The games are physical - you have to run around some area to get something moving on the screen!

We plan to set up our infrastructure (anchor points, projector etc.) near the MOiN assembly (exact time and place TBD). This session is done in collaboration with the "Theremin Game Controller" session.

What games can I play?

We have prepared a few different games:

  • An U.F.O. game specifically built for special input devices
  • A pong-like game
  • Breakout and various other Atari 2600 paddle games (via emulator)

We want to experiment live with the control scheme and gameplay, so stay tuned!

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