IPhone Qualcomm Baseband Analysis

From 35C3 Wiki

Description Dissecting iPhone's Qualcomm Baseband firmware
Website(s) https://kernelprogrammmer.com
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software
Tags baseband, iphone, qualcomm, firmware, reverse engineering, security
Person organizing
Language en - English
en - English
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Starts at 2018/12/30 19:00
Ends at 2018/12/30 19:30
Duration 30 minutes
Location Room:Seminar room 13

What to expect During this Self Organized Session I will talk about analyzing, reversing and uncovering the iPhone's Qualcomm Baseband in a quick overview.

Parts of the talk will be:

- Baseband as a global attack vector nightmare

- Baseband Hardware Archetecture

- Baseband Firmware

- Baseband Protocols

- Cracking Qualcomm eXtensible Debugger

- Baseband Vulnerabilities

- Future of Baseband Exploits

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