How to run your life, your non-profit or your business on crypto

From 35C3 Wiki

Description The case study of Paralelná Polis Bratislava
Type Talk
Kids session No
Keyword(s) security
Tags track:session, session:Track, crypto, privacy, anonymity, decentralisation
Processing assembly Assembly:Critical Decentralisation Cluster
Person organizing
Language en - English
en - English
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Starts at 2018/12/29 13:30
Ends at 2018/12/29 14:30
Duration 60 minutes
Location Assembly:Critical Decentralisation Cluster
Starts at 2018/12/29 13:30
Ends at TBD
Duration TBD
Location Assembly:Critical Decentralisation Cluster

Building on our experience with starting Paralelná Polis, I will explain how we can sustain running a business and personal life mostly on cryptocurrencies and liberating technologies. What to do with volatility? What if crypto goes down? How do we escape the surveillance apparatus, reclaim our freedom, have fun and make money doing so? We have no time to waste in reforming the old linear governmental structures, let's terraform a parallel exponential crypto universe together, today! I will explain what is Paralelná Polis, how we created the community, how we handle financing and volatility, how we use home-baked collateralized loans and DAI to help us survive crypto winter.

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