Description Fenrir's aim is to provide a single, efficient and extremely flexible protocol to manage authentication, authorization and encryption in federated environments.
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Fenrir's aim is to provide a single, efficient and extremely flexible protocol to manage authentication, authorization and encryption in federated environments.

It mimics a lot SCTP or QUIC in terms of transport features, with both reliable and unreliable data transmission, but it also includes encryption, federated authentication, and a lot of other features.

Its aim is to replace SSL/TLS, Kerberos, OAuth and basically any other encryption or authentication scheme.

it does NOT use TLS for encryption, and doesn't use the bulky X.509 certificates. The trust of the system is derived from DNSSEC, which is used to get all the information and the public keys.

Advanced features for account management will be included, such as per-device account management, and user authorization.

The project is still at the beginning, which is the best phase for big changes: comments are well accepted :)

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