OBAI Brause
Description | Since the much loved OHAI Brause (OHAI sherbet) got lawyered, we're making our own fizzy energy stuff! |
Has website | http://shackspace.de/wiki/doku.php?id=project:obai_brause |
Persons working on | Hadez, Rixx |
Located at assembly | Shackspace |
Other projects... |
Making your own sherbet is really easy and not that expensive. OBAI Brause is aiming to give you that crucial caffeine dose you're craving for to get you through the event.
As part of the workshop you'll be able to mix your very own sherbet with ingredients available at the shackspace assembly.
Please contact Rixx.
We did some initial toying around and ended up with the following ingredient ratios. However, the recipe is up for debate though ;) Happy experimenting during our sessions!
Version 1
Ingredient | Amount |
Sugar | 77% |
Guarana | 12% |
Citric Acid | 5.3% |
Sodiumbicarbonate | 2.6% |
Aroma | 1.7% |
Caffeine | 1.4% |
Version 2
Ingredient | Amount |
Sugar | 77% |
Guarana | 11.20% |
Citric Acid | 5.3% |
Sodiumbicarbonate | 2.6% |
Aroma | 2.5% |
Caffeine | 1.4% |
Version 3
Ingredient | Amount |
Sugar | 81.84% |
Guarana | 6.19% |
Citric Acid | 5.29% |
Sodiumbicarbonate | 2.59% |
Aroma | 2.5% |
Caffeine | 1.6% |
Safety Information
- Caffeine is toxic! For adults this means:
- after 1 gramm you notice the first toxic effects
- LD50 is around 4 gramms
- After 10 gramms, you're gone for sure
- Citric acid is an irritant and contact with skin, eyes and mucosa should be avoided
- By all means, please take care when mixing and do not spread the fine powder mix everywhere, especially your and your fellow workshop participants lungs and eyes
- Nitrile gloves are available
- If you're under-age and want to participate, please bring a legal guardian with you
We're mostly trying to cover our costs. Since we're not operating on industrial scale, prices are what they are and may be subject to sudden fluctuations ;)
- Mix-your-own at a workshop session (limited seats!): 25 ct per test tube (12x75 mm)
- Just give me a hit already!: 50 ct per test tube (12x75 mm)
- We'll ask a small fee if you want to mix your own sherbet or just get some of the pre-mixed stuff so we can cover our costs
- We'll bring enough raw ingredients to mix at least 10 kg of sherbet
- You can take your sherbet with you in little stylish test tubes (12x75 mm)
- We've pre-printed ingredient labels so explaining the pulvery mixture you're carrying with you to you-know-who is (hopefully) easier or at least gives you the chance to use your told-you-so face
- Citric acid + sodiumbicarbonate + water => fizzy CO2!
- Once you've mixed citric acid + sodiumbicarbonate, make sure to keep it as dry as possible, it'll try to grab all the water it can get. Air humidity is enough to make this mixture into a mess.
- To optimize the fizz, mix citric acid and sodiumbicarbonate in a 2.2 to 1 ratio.
- Guarana itself contains between 3 to 5 % of caffeine.
- We've added extra caffeine because guarana alone wasn't enough.
- We've got "Red Berries" and "Cherry/Green Apple" aroma.