Description We are a bunch of (former) IT-Security students from Aalen University.

We are interested in all things "security" (and beer! ;)

Members Ikarus, Julie, René
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Registered on 30 November 2013 13:49:41
Location for self-organized sessions no
Other assemblies...
Orga contact
Brings Nothing special, just laptops (and other small devices).
Seats needed 10
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification 1. All we want is some space for our group in the hackcenter.
Planning notes

We are a bunch of (former) IT-Security students from Aalen University.

Some things we do:

  • GSM Hacking - Playing around with the OsmocomBB project
  • RFID Hacking - Do stuff with the Proxmark3 & code for the Android app "MifareClassicTool" (MCT on github)
  • OpenSlides - Develop for this cool project (
  • Raspberry Pi Hacking - Playing with the GPIOs, LED stips, Displays, etc.
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