


This page is dedicated to fhb workshops. Please give us shout first at our discuss list and make modifications in here afterwards so we can coordinate better. If you are kind of “scared” of giving a workshop please don’t be! Just say that you are going to take it more easy and do it our way. Some workshops are focused on education or some highly “intrigued” experimental technique and some are more about chilling out sharing time together doing something fun! Also note that you do not have to announce some activity in advance just pop in, see how busy it is, have a word and you can just do what you like if we have what you need. People may just join when walking by, no stress ...

Project title Description Main targets Name/Nickname of coordinator
Experimental Incubator Improving the first generation of experimental incubator so you can brew/ferment whatever you like as you like!! Make functional the cooling based on peltier device and create few kits for really interested people. Algoldor (talk)
Probiotic power drinks Make some crazy mixes of probiotics and “speedy substances” so we can get the “Gaia mix style of club mate, vegan options included! Make at least 300 hundred people to taste it and 100 to get a bottle, based on donation! PS Do not talk about calories or we are history! Algoldor (talk)
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