Once-the.rockets/are-up..who/cares-where.they/come-down.That's N.O-T/MY-D/E.PA/R.T-ME-N/T. 2.9-C/3 Austria List of persons from Austria Member of Continent Country City of home Atoz It-syndikat.org Europe Austria Innsbruck Brooks Austria Graz C3o Metalab Europe Austria Vienna Creo Europe Austria Daef DevLoL Europe Austria Datacop Metalab Austria Vienna Duuft Europe Austria Eagle Europe Austria Kay Metalab Europe Austria Vienna Konfusius IT-Syndikat Europe Austria Innsbruck Laxity DevLoL Europe Austria Wels Lippi Metalab Europe Austria Vienna MacLemon Metalab Europe Austria Vienna Malaclypse Metalab Europe Austria Salzburg ManiacTwister Europe Austria Near vienna Mononofu Metalab Europe Austria Vienna Nfo Metalab Europa Austria Vienna Nieda Europe Austria Salzburg Nola DevLoL Europe Austria Wels Notizblock DevLoL Europe Austria Overflo Metalab Europe Austria Vienna Patrikf Austria Vienna Red667 Metalab Europe Austria Vienna Redplanet Metalab Austria Vienna Rootman Europe Austria Salzburg Stefan2904 Europe Austria Graz Superwayne DevLoL Europe Austria Linz Szara DevLoL Europe Austria Behind the big mountain Tla Europe Austria Salzburg Verr Austria Graz Viper780 Europe Austria Vienna Yolgie Europe Austria Linz Zzoo Austria Number of entries 33