
No nerd left behind
As practised with 26C3 and 27C3 we want you to come together all over the world. no nerd left behind: Allow those unable to attend the Congress in Berlin to celebrate their own Hack Center Experience, watch the streams, participate via twitter or chats, drink Tschunk, cook and have a good time.
For a virtual interactive coming together just use the #no-nerd-left-behind @freenode.
How to Communicate with the 28c3
This year, thanks to the Signal Angels, we will be offering question relays during the talks as well as "no nerd left behind" facilitation
To ask a question in a talk
- Saal 1:
- #28c3-Saal-1 @freenode
- Twitter: Use the hashtag #Saal1
- Saal 2:
- #28c3-Saal-2 @freenode
- Twitter: Use the hashtag #Saal2
- Saal3:
- #28c3-Saal-3 @freenode
- Twitter: Use the hashtag #Saal3
To dispatch a signal angel to an area in the bcc
- #no-nerd-left-behind @freenode
- Twitter: Use the hashtag #nonerdleftbehind
The external streaming will offer guaranteed bandwidth for streaming to registered IP addresses.
There is a web site, where you can register your hackcenter/event. After we’ve acknowledged a registration you may add or change your IP address on the white list.
Single users can use the public streams.
There will be VPN. Note that the VPN should NOT BE USED FOR THE STREAMS. If you watch the streams over VPN, it will create more problems, not less!
For details on VPN, see No nerd left behind VPN
- Where: realraum, [1]
- When: somebodys there (see realraum)
- What: streaming (1 beamer), Mate
- Who: all those interested, free entry
- Where: IT-Syndikat Hackerspace Innsbruck, Tschamlerstr. 3, 6020 Innsbruck
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011 at ~16:00
- What: streaming (1 beamer), Mate
- Who: all those interested, free entry
- Who: [2]
- Where Metalab - Rathausstraße 6, 1010 Wien
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: streaming, 3 rooms with beamers at choice, mission-critical beverages, cozy lab
- Who: all those interested, free entry
- Who: contact
- Links: 28C3 stream sink, soup
- Where "Denkmal" - Nonnthalerhauptstrasse 1, 5020 Salzburg
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: streaming (1 Beamer), Mate
- Who: all those interested, free entry
- Who: Chaosteff-Salzburg, contact
- Where: House #2, Road 2B, Sector 5, Uttara
- When: 26th December through 30th December 2011
- What: One large living room for streaming, and 2 available rooms for crashing over.
- Who: All those interested, free entry.
- Where: voidwarranties, Herrystraat 22, Borgerhout
- When: December 27th through 30th
- What: General opening, Beamers to watch 28c3 lectures live, cooking and fun
- Who: #hackerspace-voidwarranties
- Where: hsbxl, Brussels, Belgium
- When: 26th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streaming, Beer, club-mate & currywurst
- Who: ptr_, jaroslov
- Links: hsbxl
- Where: initLab, Lozenetz 4 str. fl.6 Sofia, Bulgaria
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streaming, Beer, Hard liquor, Other idiots
- Who: krokodilerian
- Links: initLab
Czech republic
- Where: Brmlab, Bubenska 1, Prague
- When: 27th December - 30th December 2011
- What: Streaming, Beer, Club Mate,
- Who: [3]
- Links: 28c3, No nerd left behind at Brmlab
- Where: Tetalab
- Dans la journée: Container Tetalab à Mixart Myrys, 22 rue Ferdinand Lasalle
- À partir de 20h - sauf mercredi soir au Tetalab - chez Alex: batiment A3, 3 boulevard des Minimes - code 7931A - 7ième étage, porte gauche en sortant de l'ascenseur
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Hackcenter, videoproj, a cosy couch area, kitchen, nice view on Toulouse.
- Who: #tetalab
- Links:
- Pad:
- The Voidspace. The hacker-space in Aachen
- Currently planned: Day1 (whole), Day2 (1800-???), Day3 (evening), Day4 (?)
- Where: map
- What: Mate, drinks, projector
- Phone: +49 (0) 241 53807924 (call to check if open to the public)
- The Space-Travel-Agency. A Berlin hacker-space - not only for hardware hacking.
- Don't miss hackerspace meet-up and party at Day 3, 8 p.m. Nearly 24/7 open due congress.
- Where: Stattbad Wedding, Gerichtstraße 66, 13347 Berlin
- What: CNC, Laser-Cutter, RepRap, Plotter, Audio-Studio, electric-bikes, Volxküche (public kitchen), Projector
- Phone: +49 (0) 30 2000 69881
- Jabber: raumfahrtagentur(ät)
- Public Transport from bcc: U2 to Schönhauser Allee (dir. Pankow), change to S42 to Wedding (dir. counter-clockwise), leave station in opposite direction of the train.
- See Blogpost for more Info.
- Opening on Tue Dec26th (Day0) on 17h/5pm with chili (hot) + vegetable soup
- Where: IN-Berlin -
- Where: Lehrter Strasse 53, 10557 Berlin
- When: 26th December (Monday 5pm) through 30th December 2011
- What: Two projectors, drinks (incl tea+coffee) and sweets, sofa, tables+chairs, IP via DHCP and cable, shower :)
- Who: landline fon:+49-30-4549.0377
- Who: Sven Guckes fon:+49-179-39.66.141
- Transport: Bus 123 + M27 "Quitzowstrasse" (200m); U6 "Reinickendorfer Strasse" (1.1km); S+U "Hauptbahnhof" (1.4km)
- Events: Food Hacking (Cooking) - permanent breakfast and soups
- Events: Lockpicking, Soldering, Key Signing, Hardware Tagging
- MoreInfo: IN-Berlin 28C3 Satellite Station
28c3 sidebar program "502 Bad Gateway" @c-base
- clicc here for the complete program:
- Where: c-base Rungestr. 20, 10179 Berlin, about 800m by feet away from BCC!
- When: during the 28C3 and afterwards
- What: Streaming, some Talks. sofas, bar with real Club Mate, wifi, heated rooms, tables, chairs...
- Who: c-base crew
- twitter: @cbase
- hashtags #cbase #28c3
- Premiere CCCamp 3D-Doku more infos asap
- Be excellent to each other
Day 4 | Name/Title | Time/Duration | Done by | Notes |
13:00 | LIVE c-base mainhall:Frühschoppen, Die Globale Denkgestalt | 120min | Presenter: Peter Hollitzer Language: deutsch | Grundriss eines Universalschemas zur vereinheitlichten Darstellung von Prozessen |
after the Closing Event | 28c3 PARTY #Tassebier | DJs Barbnerdy Saetchmo Tasmo Marinelli Visuals: VJ Withoutfield | follow on Twitter #Tassebier | Darstellung von Lebensfreude ausdrücklich erlaubt!!!11elf Public displays of enthusiasm are explicitly allowed |
- Where: Samariterstrasse 32, 10247 Berlin
- When: during the 28C3 -- 16:00 - >= 20:00
- What: Streaming, WLAN, Bar, Vokü
- Who:
- Where: Hackerspace, Hackerspace Bielefeld
- When: 27th-30th (11:00 - ??:?? , check chat below for actual presence)
- What: Streaming, Club Mate, Nerd-Out
- Chat:
- Where: Fachgruppe Informatik, TU Braunschweig
- When: 27th-30th, 1100 'till 2300
- What: Streaming 4 Walls with all the rooms you need, WLAN (eduroam), VPNuplink (LAN and WLAN), all >=Gbit LAN inkl. Uplink ;), Drinks & snacks
- Who: FG Informatik and Stratum 0 e. V. Contact Daniel Bohrer or #stratum0 on FreeNode. Free entry, all interested people are welcome.
- Where: Trollhöhle, Chaos Darmstadt
- When: 27th-30th
- What: Streaming, WLAN, Food, Light hacking, ...
- Who: Chaos Darmstadt, #chaos-darmstadt on hackint, @trollhoehle on Twitter
- Where: PING e.V., Zum Nubbental 11, 44227 Dortmund
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streaming with 2 projectors, Hackcenter, Tinkerarea, Club-(Cola)-Mate, 3d printer, sofa, shower, WiFi, Congress VPN
- Who: PING e.V., or on IRCnet
- Links:
Chaostreff Dortmund
- Where: Chaostreff Dortmund, Braunschweiger Str. 22 Dortmund (2nd Floor) , Map
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011 (Check RoomStatus on Website or rely to IRC-Topic wether "Raum: Auf" (opened) or "Raum: Zu" (closed)...)
- What: 2 Rooms, Club-Mate, Streaming with projectors, Hackcenter, Tinkerarea, Sofa, Shower (for emergency use), WiFi, gBit-Lan,
- Who: Chaostreff Dortmund, @ or on HackINT (SSL only, see here for details)
- Links:
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- Where: Studentenclub Countdown
- Who:
- Links:
- Where: Chaosdorf, Hüttenstraße 25, Düsseldorf
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streaming (all three streams in different areas), Hackcenter, Food (we have a cook), Shower (suitable for emergency use), Sofa, Wifi, LAN, Soldering, Coding, PGP and CaCert signing
- Who: Chaos Computer Club Düsseldorf
- Where: E-Werk
- When: 27th December through 29th December 2011, 17-23
- What: Stream and chill. Mate is available, too:)
- Who: bits'n'bugs (Contact:
- Where: "CCC Göttingen", [4]
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streaming (planning on two streams at once), Hackcenter, Sofa, Wifi, LAN, Soldering, Coding
- Who: Chaos Computer Club Göttingen
- Where: "Terminal.21 Hauptquartier", Richard-Wagner-Str. 11, 06114, Halle (Saale)
- When: 28th December from 20:30, 29th December from 20:30
- What: Streaming, Hackcenter, Layer8
- Who: Terminal.21
- Where: Attraktor, Mexikoring 21, 22297 Hamburg
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streams, Hackcenter, VPN tunnel to congress LAN, Tinkerarea, PCB milling, CNC milling, 3D printing, DESY visit
- Who: Attraktor e.V.
- Where: leitstelle511, Klaus-Müller-Kilian-Weg 2, 30167 Hannover
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streams, Hackcenter, more to come
- Who: Chaos Computer Club Hannover Leitstelle511 e.V.
- Where: Entropia e.V. Karlsruhe
- When: 27-30.12.2011 16:00 or maybe earlier
- Who: Entropia e.V.
- Contact Nervengift
- Where: ChaosKueste / Toppoint e.V.
- When: 27-30.12.2011
- What: Club Mate, Streams, Workstations, 28C3-VPN, Fun and more
- Who: ChaosKueste / Toppoint e.V.
- Contact: Tel. +49 (0)431 562136
- Congressdect (via SIP): 5432
- Where: Coworking Cologne + DingFabrik, Deutz-Mülheimer-Str. 129, 51063 Köln
- When: 28th through 30th, from 12 till midnight
- What: 250qm room for big screen, several other rooms for more screens, crafting, hacking
- Food: Kitchen available and supermarket across the street, pizza all over
- Who: habo @ DingFabrik e.V.
- Specials: 28C3 DevHouse Friday Chillout
- Where: WG23, Theodor Heuss Str. 23
- When: TBA ( But probably 28th through 30th )
- What: Screens, 2 Rooms for Streams
- Who: [5]
CCCongress Constance (28c4)
- Where: HTWG Konstanz (F-Building)
- When: 27th through 30th December, daily untill 19 o'clock
- What: 2 Rooms for Streams with Beamer
- Links:
- Where: RaumZeitLabor, Boveristraße 22-24, 68309 Mannheim
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Hackcenter, Beamer & a cosy couch area.
- Who: Inte
- Links: 28C3:_Behind_Enemy_Lines@RaumZeitLabor-Wiki
- Streaming Server ACK Status: Unknown
- Where: "Cafe Trauma", Afföllerwiesen 3a, 35309 Marburg
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: At least 2 rooms, 2 streams, lots of mate, also there's gonna be room for sleeping bags and stuff, so bring your own, meet friendly people of the hackerspace marburg (hsmr)
- Who:
if you've got questions, well we've got dancing.. no kidding just send us an email.
- Where: Hackerspace "Warpzone e.V.", Am Hawerkamp 31 (Künstlerhaus A), 48155 Münster
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: 2 rooms, 1 stream, lots of mate
- Link:
- Where: Radio BLAU, [6]
- When: 28th 6-7pm, 30th 6-7 and 8-9pm, 31th 6-7pm
- What: free, uncommercial radio station on fm in town
- twitter: [7],]
- Links:
- Where else in leipzig: SUBLAB [8] hackerspace in leipzig plagwitz, all the time at congress, more information at website or irc-chat
- Where: Technikschule Clever Inside, Dammstraße 72, 03222 Lübbenau
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011, 96h open
- What: Hackcenter, gaming, tinkering & soldering, stream & a couch area for young and old guys.
- Who: Jugendförderverein Lübbenau
- twitter: intern4chte
- Links:
- Where: Infoladen: Die Ganze Bäckerei, Reitmayrgäßchen 4, 86152 Augsburg
- When: [UPDATE:]28. from 2pm until open end, 29th from 6pm Chaostreff get-together "Music and Drinks", free music for free people, at 11pm fnord news Show at 11pm
- What: Streaming (1 beamer), couches, ClubMate, Kicker
- Who: Steini
- Where: L.E.D.E.R.E.R., Lederergasse 25, Regensburg
- When: 27th December from 2pm until open end
- What: Streaming, VPN, QoS (for streams, see User:MoepMan/QoS for details), ClubMate, RetroGaming, Workshops, Soldering
- Who: ccc-r
- Wiki:
- Where: CCC Trier, Paulinstr. 123, Trier
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streaming (Beamer), couches, Club-Mate, hacking
- Who: CCC Trier
- Wiki: Widerstandsnest
- Where: shack e.V." Ulmer Str. 255, 70372 Stuttgart-Wangen
- When: 27-30
- What: Streams, cooking, Mat-O-mat, noFan, hacking, couches
- Web:
- Where: Freiraum Platzgasse 18, 89073 Ulm, c/o radio free FM
- When: 27-30
- What: Streams
- Web:
- Where: CCCMZ Space Sedanplatz 7, 65183 Wiesbaden
- When: 28th-31st (times tba, please also refer to our website)
- What: Streaming, Sit-In, Discussions, Tinkering, Cooking
- web:
- twitter:
- Where: /dev/tal, Mirker Str. 48, 42105 Wuppertal
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Hackcenter, Streaming, CoWorking, Soldering & Co, Drinks
- Who:
- Where: labor23, Winterhäuser Str.23R, 97084 Würzburg
- When: 27th - 30th December 2011
- What: Hackcenter, Streaming, Soldering & Co, Drinks
- Who:
- Where: µC3, Balanstrasse 166, 81549 München
- When: 27-30 dec, probably always on ... doors status is announced in topic of #ccc on ("hq up" / "hq down")
- What: shared beamer experience * adhoc lockkpicking workshops * tour de klapse * generic and exotic nerd stuff * maybe cooking
- Who: hosted by muccc allstars
see also:
- Where: HaSi, Marktstraße 11, 57078 Siegen-Geisweid
- When: TBA
- What: 1 room with desks, projector, mate, lakritz coke, streaming, couches
- Who:
- Where: Coworking Nürnberg, Josephsplatz 8, 90403 Nürnberg
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011 from 11am until open end
- What: Streaming with two projectors, Club-Mate, coffee, coworking, FabLab
- Who: Michael Stingl & Felix Böhm (, +49 911 49522110)
- Transport: U1, station "Weißer Turm"
Free entry, all interested people are welcome!
- Where: Reaktor23 Badstraße 29a, 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011 from 11am until open end
- What: Streaming, Club-Mate & Club-Mate Cola, Projects and a lot of Fun
- Who: Rektor23 members, possibly you!?
- Links: Website
- Where: Maschinenraum
- When: When it is open (Twitter: @mr_door)
- What: Streaming
- Where: Hungarian Autonomous Center for Knowledge - VII. 51. Akácfa str.
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streaming, hackcenter, lockpick workshop
- Who: buherator
- Links: HACK
- Where: TOG - Dublin
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streaming, hacking, making, Club-Mate
- Who: Contact
- Links: TOG
- Where: Syn2cat, 11 rue du Cimetière, L-8018 Strassen
- When: 27th through 30th, we try to open the doors 24/24.
- What: Streaming in 2 rooms, workshops, own lecture(s), Glühmate, Club-Mate (Cola)
- Who: syn2cat email & C3L
- Links: blog, wiki C3L Blog
- Where: Hacklab KIKA, Vasil Stefanovski 8/1
- When: 27th through 30th
- What: Streaming in 2 rooms, discussions, lunch, free coffee and tea
- Who: #lugola @ Freenode
- Links: blog
- Where: Hack42, Koningsweg 23a, 6816TD, Arnhem
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Streams, best of 27C3, best of 26C3, woodfire, club-mate, beer, lounge, soldering, hacking, making
- Who: hack42
- Links: hack42
- Where: WORM, Boomgaardsstraat 71, 3012 XA Rotterdam
- When: 27th December through 30th December 2011
- What: Girls, Gluehwein, Jacuzzi
- Who: moddr_
- Links: moddr
- Eventwebsite: 28c3nl
- Where: ACKspace in XCBS (Former CBS building), Kloosterweg 1, 6412 CN Heerlen
- When: 27th December - 30th December 2011, 11:30 - 22:00
- What: beamer, gaming, hacking, lockpicking, lounge, soldering, streaming
- Who: #ACKspace (Freenode)
- Links: ACKspace, No nerd left behind
The Hague
- Where: 'Revelation Space Revspace, Binckhorstlaan 172, 2516 BG Den Haag
- When: 27th through 30th, atleast from 12:00 until 0:00 or whatever suits us.
- What: 3 rooms, 3 beamers, all tracks, we'll see what the rest brings
- Who: #Revspace (Freenode)
- Links: Revspace does 28c3
- Where: 'TkkrLab TkkrLab, Kloosterstraat 1, 7514 EZ Enschede
- When: 27th through 30th, times check irc/twitter (!tkkrlab)
- What: 2 rooms, 1 beamer
- Who: #tkkrlab (Freenode)
- Links: CCC 28c3 at tkkrlab
- Where: Hackeriet, Humla/Hausmania, Hausmannsgate 34, Oslo map
- When: 27th through 30th. Exact opening/closing hours are TBD.
- What: One room with: desks with some free-use terminals, streaming, 1x beamer (shared beamer experience), sofa, free wifi, hacking, soldering, coffee, fridge (bring your own beverage)
- Who: #oslohackerspace (Freenode)
- Links: and our meetup events
- Where: Progressbar, Map,Visual Navigation
- When: 27th December - 30th December
- What: Streaming, Clubmate & Beer, kitchen, arduino, soldering
- Who: #progressbar (Freenode), phone: 02/32603287
- Links: List here if commin'
- Where: CCCZH (Luegislandstr. 485, Zürich)
- beamer, food, club-mate
- Eventphone (via SIP): 2384,, +49-531-349439-2384
- Links:
- Where : Studios fréquence Banane (EPFL - Batiment CE)
- Screen, Club-Mate
- Call: 021 / 550 55 40 OR 079 / 776 23 03
- Mail: