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Food hacking base/Budget

This time the budget is going to be completely donation based . I propose 500 EU to start with looking for people who would cover that with the possibility of refund. This means that if we get the money back from donations, they would by default get their "investment" back or at least the appropriate ratio of they donation compared to the total collected. Of course these supporters would be more than welcome to share our food&beverage fiestas as a token of their goodwill! This is basically a call on people who would like to see this happen and are willing/can afford to contribute.

The future of the gear "bought and donated" and possible over plus has to be decided. It can be either kept for future events so we do not have to buy the same things again or maybe we can do auction at the end? The cash can stay with someone "reliable" and willing to keep it safe, preferable someone else than me (Frantisek).

In this moment you can support Food Hacking Base budget by donating towards the paypal account of Frantisek Apfelbeck. Please do include a note stating that the funds are for 28c3 Food Hacking Base. Whatever you send will be recorded and the balance updated within 48 hours or less with your name or without based on your preference. You will be contacted to confirm the transaction. If you are OK with non refundable donation please let me know.


Please go to the paypal webpage and use this email account frantisek_apfelbeck "at sign"

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