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Chiara Salome is a Berlin based biologist & ambient music lover, simply enjoying sound by DJing, live music contribution...
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Beim munteren Waffelbacken treffen sich Erklärhai, hexchen und padeluun zu einer lebendigen Diskussion über das Waffe...
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Inspiriert von Klängen und Grooves aus verschiedensten Epochen und Gegenden dieser Welt, bringt die Plattensammlung von ...
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Wer einmal den Bass eines Gameboy-Klassik gehört hat der weiß, dass er es locker mit modernen Synthesizern aufnehmen kan...
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DJ Beh: Anfang der 2010er mit einer Wobble-Bass Plattensammlung begonnen, weil es sonst immer nur Techno zum Frühstück ...
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Musikclubs und Festivals leisten einen unverzichtbaren Beitrag für unsere lebendige Kulturlandschaft. Dennoch fallen Clu...
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Currently hooked on a musical obsession with the new kid on the block, Indie Dance, spiegeleule aims to infuse it with a...
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I'm a queer ex-software developer who does full time worker's rights/representation now (she/they pronouns). I have DJ-e...
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"Poi" is Maori, meaning "balls". It's a juggling discipline, where two balls on a string are rotated around the player's...
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Jacky Noise and Peter Kirn are each leaders in community building, knowledge exchange, and musicianship in electronic in...
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https://soundcloud.com/brick https://hearthis.at/tc97cbqj/
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see abscract
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2 DJs just meeting during the day at U.F.O. for the first time coming together by night to share 90 Minutes B2B with you...
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"Melody always allows you to bring something new to the music," opines the producer. "It is where you can create somethi...
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DJ Jouvenile - Die Turntable-Legende mit fast 20 Jahren Erfahrung. Angefangen mit brachialem Drum and Bass, doch jetzt r...
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Inspired by today’s drive and spirit, G:ERROR (none) positions between many different sounds. Bringing the double K to t...
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Air Cushion Finish https://aircushionfinish.com https://jayrope.com Phantom Jelly: style: science fiction / haunto...
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Mit ihrem folkloristisch-düsterpopigen Elektrosound entführt uns Aylin Leclaire immer wieder auf Reisen in andere Welten...
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zelte spannen beim auf und abbau und sound spielen beim cccamp 2023
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So trug es sich zu vor nicht allzu langer Zeit, dass eine (Franca) auszog um die Welt zu retten und zwar mit Wissenschaf...
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Ohm-I is known for his music that primarily focuses on storytelling and comedy from a nerdy perspective. He is current p...
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Ada’s journey begins with a coincidence. Band colleague visits singer to make music. Band colleague forgets groovebox at...
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Our play will use the language of the Internet: Easy English with heavy accents and lots of technobabble. It is the reco...
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"Mijk van Dijk has been leaving marks and milestones in electronic music since 1990 with his productions, live performan...
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Dohse is the ringleader of his own unique kind of musical circus. Here, his impeccable feeling for the very moment and d...
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META-TRØNIC, aka Kaarlo, co-founder of Rio Underground Records, is a Finnish/Brazilian DJ and producer, one of the remna...
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When you experience Hlgrprng’s soundscapes, you step into a sonic world shaped by a deeply rooted understanding of spati...
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Her early music inspirations have been out of the 90ies and 00 HipHop. Later she was digging and diving into all Genre...
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DJ Mogreens ist ein Beweis für die universelle Sprache der Musik, die physische Barrieren und kulturelle Grenzen überwin...
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Let's start the day with lovely music from our crew!
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In den 1980-er Jahren gab es im Rahmen des Basicodeprojektes im Radio Übertragungen von Computerprogrammen in einem Que...
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Gameboys, Cartridges und Kopfhörer werden zur Verfügung gestellt - jeder darf aber natürlich auch seinen eigenen Gamebo...
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tba https://hearthis.at/welleonelove/set/welle-one-love-radio/
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Statement: We Play Music In Spirit Of Improvisation, We Like Sound, We Like Free Floating, Measure Of Disorder Or Unp...
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This time he is actually told 3 minutes before that its broadcasted LIVE – but it does not really matter to him anymore.
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Spawarrior - a rhythmic hybrid ceremony, transcending into uncharted worlds and enigmatic uni·ver·ses
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Chill Out - https://soundcloud.com/barbnerdy
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Chaos Family
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Punk DJs
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Das Duo Cobalt Blue: chilled vocal jazz classix dedicated to Billie, Ella, Bessie, Sarah, Nina and Amy"
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Punk DJs
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Chaos Family
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Eine überraschende Funktionalität der WiiMote-Controller ist die schnelle Lichtpunkte-Erkennung in deren vorwärtszeigend...
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Es soll ein relativ unbekannter, aber sehr einflussreicher Science Fiction Autor vorgestellt werden: Cordwainer Smith, i...
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Das ist die fantastische DJ Crew, die ein paar Mal im Jahr die großartigen Eat The Bass Parties in Berlin veranstalten a...
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LaFrae Sci a.k.a Frae-Frae: Daughter of Drexciya, is an award-winning and internationally acclaimed multi-instrumentalis...
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Klaus, oder trummerschlunk, experimentiert mit elektronischen Klängen. Alaa Zouiten spielt die marokkanische Oud. Sina...
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Der Zugang zu Musik und allem, was dir zeigen kann wie schön diese Welt ist, sollte unbegrenzt und vollständig sein. Al...
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trip of the space cat, audio visual interactive performance , a cryptic story to be decyphered by a observer, where obse...
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It was back in 2016 when he was thinking to himself "Yes, this is it, let’s shuffle to this shit" and he did, the f*ckin...
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Downbeat - Liquid Drum&Bass "In love with the weird and unexpected since '87" https://soundcloud.com/l_u_i
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Juli Jane has been around in CCC circles for a long time. In Spring 2014 she started DJing and quickly made herself know...
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Morgenübung mit Stöcken, elastischen Rhythmen und Gummibandelektronik. Gemeinsam bauen wir eine Klangskulptur aus gefun...
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RubbelDeCatc is a member of the c-base space station Berlin and organizes the c-lounge there every Thursday. He gained e...
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Grimberg’s one pattern tracks are characterized by steady motoric beat influenced rhythms in a tempo range of 125-145 BP...
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Frag die Teams
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Arts & Play
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Back On Mars. short track novel. -- da ist am anfang die endlose raumfahrt durch unendliche räume; eine heimkehr, von de...
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Titel: Ey, chill mal Bring yourself something to drink, sit back and just let the bass spoil your synapses. https://...
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Chaos Family
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Bison embodies the earthy analog sound of a cello, while Rouge ignites with electronic fluidity and soulful vocals. Toge...
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The Elektronisches Orchester Charlottenburg (EOC) explores the improvisation and interpretation of Electroacoustic Music...
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Doxan is an emerging talent based in Hamburg. Getting to know and later joining Boomerang, a crew of local DJs throwing...
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https://pigeon4.bandcamp.com/ Contemporary Berlin Post-Punk. Eine umtriebige junge Post Punk Band, deren Mitglieder T...
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Chemical Adam presents a live-coded audiovisual performance using all custom made hardware & software. Wear your dancing...
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https://soundcloud.com/dwig https://www.youtube.com/@dwig/videos
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Chaos-Gala auf dem Camp. Stecker mit dem Radlader crimpen? Prozessoren am Geruch erkennen? Telefonnummern anhand des DTM...
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PLO is an ensemble of electronic musicians and visual artists AkustoOptik. PLO is undertaking fully improvised jam-se...
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Als Kopf von WHO’S THAT GIRL und ausgebildete Musik- und Eventmanagerin schafft sie vor allem anderen Künstlerinnen Plat...
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Fernanda Braun Santos aka FERD1GIRL (sie/ihr) lässt Reggaeton, Guaracha und Hyper-Latinx-Sound mit Jungle, Tribal-House ...
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Mindsight ist das experimentelle elektronische Projekt des in München lebenden Produzenten und visuellen Künstlers Joshu...
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MR. JB possesses an unparalleled understanding of electronic music in all its forms. From ambient to techno, trance to d...
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Composer/artist P. KIRN’s experimental live set melds ambient and leftfield materials in live improvisation, vocal input...
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Frag die Teams
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DJ Saetchmoe is a trailblazing figure in the world of electronic music, renowned for his intricate fusion of reggae, dub...
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<b>Eine kleine Nerdmusik</b> Soundtracks zum Chillen, Loungen und illustren Schwoof. Es darf gewippt werden. Li...
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Die #CCCamp23 Review Session - Damit auch DU weißt, was du verpasst hast. Eine stark willkürliche Auswahl von großart...
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW4SiLU-Nz4 https://soundcloud.com/residentkafka
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Since then she’s not only gained a couple dangerous looking scars, which would be visible if she shaved her head, and go...
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With their deep and dark basslines, they create a hypnotic aura that transports listeners to uncharted territories. Guid...
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