
#rC3: Es war einmal kein Congress …

#rC3: Es war einmal kein Congress …


Once upon a time, the people of the nerds wanted to celebrate their annual festival. But the lands were struck by a pestilence, and it was dangerous to go out and meet other entities. The nerds lamented, for their festival was the highest holiday in their world. But they were all wise creatures, and since wise creatures do not let other creatures come to harm, the committee decided that the celebration would be canceled in the year of the plague.

But the people were strong and wise, and so they pondered. And someone suggested to create an enormous artificial island, which everyone could enter …

36C3 content teams running full steam

36C3 content teams running full steam


Last Sunday at midnight the submission period for our Call for Participation ended. The last submission, by a Swiss, landed just in time at 23:59:20 UTC. Our content curation teams will now use the next two weeks to review, rate, sort, and ultimately decide on a large number of submissions. We intend to inform all submitters on November 11th on whether we found a place for them in our Fahrplan.

At the time of our coordination meeting on Sunday there were 690 pending submissions in our system. To put this into perspective: If you would want to just spend a minute to review them all, you would …

Press accreditation to #35C3

Press accreditation to #35C3


As you might have noticed by now, the 35th installment of Chaos Communication Congress titled „Refreshing Memories“ will open doors in Leipzig, Germany, December 27-30th, 2018.

We welcome members of the press on grounds and would kindly ask you to request prior press accreditation. To do so, please send your name and the media you will be reporting for via email to press-accreditation@cccv.de. If you plan to take pictures or record videos as part of you reporting, that’s no problem in general, but accreditation is mandatory in that case. Please add a line telling us what your plans are.

Be …

#35C3 Memory Lane: Das erste Türchen

35c3-kalender 1

Das erste Türchen.

2011 war das letzte Jahr, in dem der Chaos Communication Congress im Berliner bcc gastierte. Passend zum damaligen Motto „Behind enemy lines“ kommentierte der Schriftsteller und Journalist Cory Doctorow in seinem Vortrag „The coming war on general computation“ vor vollem Haus die Copyright Wars.

Sicher sein und sich sicher fühlen auf dem Chaos Communication Congress

Sicher sein und sich sicher fühlen auf dem Chaos Communication Congress


Der Chaos Communication Congress ist in den letzten Jahren rapide gewachsen. Von 3.500 Leuten in Berlin hat sich unsere Teilnehmerzahl auf 6.000, dann 12.000 und nun 15.000 in Leipzig gesteigert. Während die Infrastruktur weitgehend problemlos mitgewachsen ist, mussten wir uns einigen neuen Herausforderungen stellen, die bei Veranstaltungen dieser Größe hinzukommen.

Wir stellen daher unser zentrale Anlaufstelle für Hilfsangebote auf dem Congress und unsere neue Schiedsstelle vor.

Feeling and being safe at Chaos Communication Congress

The Chaos Communication Congress rapidly grew in size over …



Dear Angels,

Below are some important details for the 34C3 Buildup.
Please read them carefully.

Buildup Angel

Similar to the 34C3 it self, buildup and teardown only work thanks to the heroic effort and participation of countless volunteers. Warm thanks to everyone who helps to bring Congress to Leipzig, we very much appreciate every bit of help.
Even though buildup nominally starts on the 16.12. true parallelization does not take hold until the 18.12.. Before that we need some time to boot and warm up ourselves. For this reason our suggestion (especially to non-local volunteers) is to have a …

The Congress is not only what the streams tell you


Das Programm im Fahrplan und auf den Bühnen des 34. Chaos Communication Congress ist nur ein sehr kleiner Teil dessen, was die größte Hacker-Zusammenkunft Europas ausmacht. Der Congress lebt vor allem davon, was wir alle draus machen: viele Workshops, Bastel-Projekte in einer unglaublichen Vielfalt, kleinere Bühnen in den Assemblies und natürlich die Gespräche und Revolutionspläne auf den Gängen. Denn der 34C3 ist bei weitem nicht nur, was aus den Streams kommt.

chaos communication …</p>
	<div class= Read more …

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!


Visiting the 33C3 and wondering what the city has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 33C3 like no other tour guide would. We have selected tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

Save a seat for a tour on our webpage and follow us on Twitter to get updates about new tours, changes and important updates. We also have a page in the congress wiki to help you find our assembly.

Here’s a list of our tours (English and German):

**Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!


Visiting the 32C3 and wondering what the city has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 32C3 like no other tour guide would. We’ve selected fascinating tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

Save a seat for a tour on our webpage.

Here’s a list of our tours (English and German):


DESY – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via flickr/Kay_B


If you’ve ever …

32C3: Gated Communities

32C3: Gated Communities


It is 2015, a large part of the population has withdrawn to heavily guarded islands of comfort.

  • Technological eco-systems created by single companies relieve us from the burden of choosing our own mobile phones, computers or fitness trackers and understanding how they work. We let their commercial interests decide, which media outlets, news bulletins and expressions of opinion we notice and which are accepted by the globally valid terms of service.
  • Filter bubbles take the pain away of thinking for ourselves. Strongly opinionated agitators provide acceptable sources of information and handy …

Camp 2015 Ticket Shop is open now!



We all are very much looking forward to Camp 2015 – the new location makes things very exciting but such a new location also makes it very costly: We’ll need to get at least 950.000 EUR from ticket sales, which brings us down to an average ticket price of ~212 EUR.

When we moved the Congress to the new venue in 2012 we have been facing the same issue, remember?
Back then, we didn’t want to raise the price above 100 EUR and right now we don’t want to go above 200 EUR: We leave this, again, up to everyone of you to contribute as much as you can afford to – to make …

Chaos Communication Camp 2015: Save the date!

Chaos Communication Camp 2015: Save the date!


Not just because of tradition, but because we can: There will be a Camp in 2015 again!

After more than three thousand guests at the last Camp in 2011, we expect many outdoor enthusiasts, who like to hack during the day and marvel at the light displays at night and will celebrate the ultimate party in the middle of the festival season with us. Let’s just bring all the great experiences from the Congress out on the lawn and do all the experiments too dangerous for the halls of the CCH!

After an exhaustive search we found the perfect green field site for hackers of all kinds to build a camp with …