36C3: Call for Assemblies

Tl;dr: Read at least the “Important” part and register your assembly on signup.c3assemblies.de as soon as possible, but not later than Sunday, November 24th.

[Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V]

This year we want to apply as much as possible of what we have learned in the last two years in Leipzig. We want to seize the opportunity to consolidate and share experience and knowledge. Therefore, we would like to make as few changes to the previous year as possible. If you’ve been organizing an assembly last year, please expect the same space, requirements, and infrastructure as last year. Even supposedly small deviations sometimes lead to a large overhead in planning and preparation, which we simply can’t afford this year.

As a reminder:

For now, most of the exhibition hall is void. Calm. (Mostly) Unwritten. It’s up to us to create spaces, to fill it with lights, sound and atmosphere, with hacks and gear and people. Make it alive and let the chaos-magic happen. Bring projects to show, ideas to amaze, furniture to lounge – manifest yourself and create a diversity of habitats to connect all the people that make the dream real. Get up, little groups of friends as well as huge amalgamations, and come to Leipzig again. Show your projects, share your ideas, bring your stuff, pose a question, host a session, do workshops and maybe, finally, sit down and listen.

Have in mind that there will be thousands of people in one big hall. Too much noise or light can become an issue. So lets make it a warm, welcoming, and comfortable situation which will be a source of energy for all of us. Considering this, very much anything is possible: You never leave the house without your good old Cray 90? No problem, heavy current is available. Always wanted to build a dome for your assembly? No problem, just keep it “B1 flame resistant”, stay below 30square meters roofed and let us know in your registration. You might have guessed it, there are some technical regulations. Check them first, before you plan big. And no worries, we provide tables and seats as usual for all groups who come with a backpack and smaller things to show and hack. Bring what you have, take a seat, create, get feedback, meet others and team up.


  • Build-up approval for larger structures will happen. Please don’t arrive with larger structures without telling anyone.
  • If you need storage space assistance, have questions about build up or delivering your stuff, you get guidance from the LOC via 36C3 [at] c3loc.de.
  • Music: you’ll get asked while registration if you want to play music (are you sure?!?) in your Assembly. If yes, the Assemblies Team will contact you with details about GEMA registration.
  • Register until 24.11.2019 on signup.c3assemblies.de
  • For all questions about assemblies, contact us at 36C3 [at] c3assemblies.de.
  • Pack your ticket.
  • So, go call us for a place! Assembly registration ends on Sunday, November 24rd. Better register soon.

C3 Assemblies Team

Ah, one more thing: Please bring your hackspace/community stamp, there are a lot of hacke passports waiting to be stamped :)