Day 4
Wi-Fi Hacking Self Defense: 4 Advanced Techniques and how to stop them
Using a Wi-Fi hacking microcontroller, we will learn to defend against 4 common Wi-Fi attacks. This workshop is suitable for beginners as well as Wi-Fi hacking experts.

This Wi-Fi Hacking Self-Defense workshop offers hands-on instruction using a unique, cat-shaped Wi-Fi hacking microcontroller. Designed to engage participants in practical learning, the course covers essential skills for defending against 4 common Wi-Fi attacks. Students will explore topics like detecting Wi-Fi leaks, the risks of QR codes leading to hidden networks, spotting phishing networks, and defending against advanced Wi-Fi karma attacks. The cat-shaped Wi-Fi Nugget is a powerful tool for understanding and fighting back against Wi-Fi hacking. This workshop is suitable for Wi-Fi hacking experts and those just getting started.

Materials Cost: €75

Workshop leader: Ash Wheeler

What to bring: Micro USB Cable, computer with Google Chrome

Where: Hardware Hacking Area

DECT: 2676 (CORN)