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The 37th Chaos Communication Congress takes place in the newly renovated Congress Center Hamburg, Germany.

More Information about how to get there on the Travel page.

Coming back from Leipzig to the new CCH, you'll notice that there is no Saal 2 anymore. In its former place you'll find a new entrance area and three entirely new areas: Saal X, Saal Y and Saal Z!

Venue layouts are available at or at

Starting from the top:

Main lecture halls (Level 2-4)

These halls host the main conference program curated by the CCC Content Teams, and will be recorded and published to by our Video Operation Center (c3voc).

Self-organized stages / Workshop rooms (Level 2)

In CCH West next to Saal Granville,

  • Saal D (in workshop mode with seats and tables) and
  • Saal E (in lecture mode with about 250 seats) are freely bookable lecture halls which can be booked via the Self-organized Sessions (SoS) feature of the Hub. Saal E will also host the Lighting Talks and will be equipped with Video streaming/recording equipment, like Saal F where the Sendezentrum/DLF people provide their content.

There are additional Self-organized stages at Saal Y and Halle H (ground floor) with about 150 seats which are also freely bookable like the other two SoS lecture halls:

All four spaces have projectors/big screens with microphones and PA.

Stage H, Stage Y and Saal E might be reserved as overflow space during high-frequented talks in the main lecture halls.

The room booking did start on Wednesday (December 20th) – but Sessions can take place anywhere, simply describe the meeting place in free-text location field (e.g. "on the left of the bar in Halle H"). We announced more details in the corresponding blog post.

Assemblies (Level 1)

Assemblies, Heaven, Kidspace, and other facilities provided by the different orga teams.

  • TBD

Assemblies (Level 0)

Level 0 (ground flour) hosts the entrance area, many assembly spaces (Saal 3, Halle H, Foyer 3+H) and of course, there will be a Lounge (Saal 4) as well!

Saal 3

  • TBD

Foyer 3+H

  • TBD

Halle H

  • TBD

<!-- this lists will fill automatically once assemblies/orbits are placed – this typically happens around December 24th --> (The cake is a lie, but no one noticed ;-) )