Day 1
Unlock Minecraft: Beginner Workshop - Tag 1
### Eine pädagogische Einführung in das beliebte Computerspiel mit Minecraft Education. Wolltest du schon immer einmal wissen, was es mit Minecraft auf sich hat und würdest gerne herausfinden, ob du dich in dieser digitalen Sandkiste wohlfühlst? Unser 2-stündiger Workshop bietet AnfängerInnen jeden Alters das passende Umfeld, um das beliebte Spiel in Ruhe kennenzulernen.

The workshop will be held in German. However, we are also able to communicate in English and are happy to help you in this language.


  1. Basics: Introduction to controls and game mechanics.
  2. Creative mode: Unlimited building and creative design.
  3. Survival mode: Basic skills for resource management and survival.
  4. Collaborative projects: Teamwork on building projects

Participation requirements:

  • Target group: Beginners in Minecraft
  • Age: Children from 6+ years, as well as interested parents and grown-ups
  • Technical requirements:


  • Please register with Ghenny in Kidspace or via DECT-2636
  • You will then receive a participation pass
  • Max seats: 8

Workshop full?

No problem! If the interest in this workshop is greater than the available places, we will repeat the workshop. So let us know if you are interested in our workshop and watch out for announcements in the Kidspace.


Are you curious about Minecraft? Wondering if Minecraft is a suitable game for your child? Do you have questions about safety, game mechanics and the educational aspects of the game? Feel free to contact us! We look forward to the exchange.
