Day 4
Internet Shutdown Circumvention: Experience and Brainstorm
Let's talk anything about Internet Shutdown - impacts, experiences, repressions tactics, circumvention, latest news, and more..

We talk a lot about surveilence, censorship, privacy, etc, but what about in more extreme authoritarian regions where the regimes cut off the internet to stop citizens from spreading information and communicating? In 2022 alone, the #KeepItOn campaign recorded 187 internet shutdowns in 35 countries. How can activists spread information and action plan during uprisings? How can journalists report and publish without the internet? How can the opposition fight against propaganda during the election?

In different field including academic research, hactivism, tools for freedom, internet shutdown seems to be getting less attention than other topics. Let's brainstorm for those who are struggling in authoritarian regimes.

Let's have a tea and share our thoughts, experience, knowledge, or anything about Internet Shutdown Circumvention.

Where to find us: I'm a female with partically orange hair. If you can't make it to the event, but still want to connect, ping me on Matrix! @mooncakebaby:matrix.org

Group we created after the session, for us to keep in touch. https://matrix.to/#/!GuswbZmNGHGTYcXBog:matrix.org?via=matrix.org&via=deuxfleurs.fr


House of Tea