Day 4
📊 GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE SOME STATS: Exploring open population data using the DESTATIS API and Python
Stonewall IO
In this interactive workshop, participants will dive into the world of publicly available statistics with a focus on gender-related data from the _DESTATIS_ (German Federal Statistical Office) public API. This workshop caters to individuals with little to no prior experience with _DESTATIS_ data, while also offering a practical, hands-on introduction to data analysis.

This workshop invites FLINTA* data enthusiasts of all backgrounds to play around with population data. You will learn to access and analyse data available through DESTATIS, Germany's Federal Statistical Office, focusing on a data set of your choice that aligns with your interests. Together, we will learn how to access DESTATIS data, retrieve specific datasets, and preprocess them for analysis in a reusable way using Python (but you can opt to choose R or another language of your choice instead), using a gender-split data set as an example. We will then explore the data we retrieved, and get together to discuss what we found.

Prerequisites: Having beginner-level programming or data analysis skills will help you get the most out of this workshop. If you can comfortably execute Python code, you’ll probably have fun, regardless of whether you never explored data before or you happen to be a researcher in statistical modelling.

  • You need some basic technical skills to follow along (you should be able to read in a CSV file using code).
  • No prior experience with the DESTATIS API is necessary.
  • Bring your laptop.
