
At least two groups with a home base, where a flag is placed: The goal is to conquer all enemy flags and bring them to your own home base. Not virtually, but in the real world!

At this year's camp, we at coderdojo.red started digitalizing the whole concept with one group. We drew inspiration from the Korean series "Alice in Borderland." Initially, we tinkered with ESP8266, but in the end, we settled on the camp badge. Since it wasn't completed at the camp, we used a deck of cards instead of ESPs. It's a bit tricky to explain, but there was a lot of running around the entire campsite and a lot of fun.

Afterwards, some members of the group met online to continue working on the project. We gather to exchange updates on the current status and collaborate further. If you're interested in tinkering with an ESP32, Python, Javascript, and MQTT - feel free to join and get involved! :)

A pad with game instructions, a link to the repository, and additional information can be found here:


Contact: https://matrix.to/#/!dLhYPGcDwCckAKyGtF:matrix.cyber4edu.org?via=matrix.cyber4edu.org&via=matrix.org&via=x-hain.de

Expect games and fun during the congress!


