Day 1
Amateurfunk als Hilfe in Not- und Katastrophenfällen
Die digitale Kommunikation aus unserem Alltag wegzudenken, fällt noch schwerer als für viele das Mobiltelefon aus der Hand zu legen. Und trotzdem beschäftigen sich Funkamateure auch mit dem Thema, wie man kommunizieren kann, wenn die konventionellen Kommunikationswege ausgefallen sind. Speaker: DL7TNY

Ever since the storm surge in Hamburg in 1962, it has been known that radio amateurs can provide communication support. Not only among themselves, but also in the neighborhood or in cooperation with emergency services. However, this help has changed over the years, as our everyday communication has also changed. In this brief presentation, I would therefore like to show what consequences it has for us if communication is no longer possible and what thoughts we radio amateurs have about this and what activities we try to put into practice, but also where there are problems and where non-radio amateurs can also contribute their knowledge and commitment.
