
Lightning Talks are short lectures for anyone!

Since we have only one session in a large hall this year, we're going to continue the Lightning Talks as a self-organized session.

Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party, workshop or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick! To get an idea what Lightning Talks are about and how they work, look at the 36C3 sessions on media.ccc.de.

Be reminded that, like in previous C3s, you still need a ticket for the 37C3 congress. A lightning talk or registration for one does not provide you with a ticket. No ticket - no talk.

Submissions will be opened a few days before 37C3. See https://c3lt.de/ or https://chaos.social/@C3_LightningTLK for further infos and updates.
