The GB Interceptor
How do you capture a video from an 1989's Game Boy without modding the original hardware? With an adapter cartridge that spies on the memory bus! Let's talk about how to reconstruct the Game Boy's memory state, emulate its graphics unit and then encode the image into an MJPEG stream for anyone to use as a USB video class device. In realtime. On an rp2040 microcontroller.
Wie wir mit begrenzten Mitteln ein U-Boot gebaut haben und was ihr draus lernen könnt.
Elias, quirsh
3,4 Tonnen schwer, 4,3 Meter lang, Material: Stahl, Farbe: Orange und der Fahrzeugtyp ist „Sporttauchboot”. Vom Fund eines Drucktanks bis zum ersten Tauchgang auf den Grund eines Tagebausees – wir erzählen von unseren größten Herausforderungen sowie Fehlschlägen. Wir laden euch ein zu einem technischen Beratungsgespräch für alle, die schonmal mit dem Gedanken gespielt haben, ein U-Boot zu bauen.
A Dive into Reverse Engineering and Understanding the iPod Touch
Martijn de Vos
This talk presents QEMU-iOS, an open-source emulator of legacy Apple devices. I outline the process of emulating an iPod Touch 2G, discussing the technical challenges and reverse engineering methodologies applied. The talk starts with an overview of the project's goals and then outlines the reverse engineering process, utilizing tools like Ghidra for disassembling the Apple bootloader, XNU kernel, and other binaries. Then, I describe QEMU, a popular framework for emulation, and show how essential iPod Touch peripherals such as the touchscreen, storage, and display have been implemented. Finally, this talk touches upon the implications of open-sourcing this project, its contribution to the emulation and reverse engineering landscape, and its potential for future efforts to emulate newer Apple devices.