NOC Helpdesk

From 35C3 Wiki

Where to find the NOC Helpdesk

NOC Helpdesk location (c3nav)
see also → Network

NOC Helpdesk is on level +1 of the CCL near the elevators. The DECT-Number of the NOC Helpdesk is 1212.

What does the NOC Helpdesk do

The NOC Helpdesk will help any and all of the visitors and angels if they have some kind of network problem, whether they can't connect or packets are dropping. It also provides access to the Colo, for people who want to put their servers on the congress-net. Furthermore they have access to the monitoring system of the congress-net so they can tell on first sight if it is a bigger problem or just a small, localized problem.

Angels at the NOC Helpdesk don't need to be network wizards, they just have a basic understanding of what a network is and how it works. They don't have to setup switches and so on, so you don't need to have a working knowledge of how to do it. They try to diagnose problems reported by visitors and contact the NOC (Network Operation Center) for Resolution if it's a bigger issue.


If you want to bring your server to the congress, we offer you a Colo.

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