SumoRobot Programming Workshop

From 35C3 Wiki

Description The SumoRobot programming can only be done late in the evening or early in the morning. Network overload!
Type Hands-On
Kids session Yes
Keyword(s) software
Tags Assembly:Hardware Hacking Area, SumoRobot, Robotics, Programming, Python, Blockly
Processing assembly Assembly:Hardware Hacking Area
Person organizing Silbo
Language de - German, en - English, et - Estonian
de - German, en - English, et - Estonian
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Bring your own laptop and come program SumoRobots. No previous experience required, just enthusiasm! You can either program your own SumoRobot or use one of the 2 we have available. Let the SumoFight begin!

There is one SumoField with 2 robots near the Hardware Hacking Area (H3, Exhibition Hall 2, Level 0) and one near the Near 3D Printing (I1, Exhibition Hall 2, Level 0).


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