Nextcloud Install Party

From 35C3 Wiki

Description Get back control over your data - learn how to install your own Nextcloud instance!
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software
Tags Assembly:Nextcloud, self-hosting, decentralization, workshop, opensource, privacy, federation
Processing assembly Assembly:Nextcloud, Assembly:CryptoParty
Person organizing
Language en - English
en - English
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Subtitle Run your own Nextcloud instance!
Starts at 2018/12/30 11:30
Ends at 2018/12/30 13:30
Duration 120 minutes
Location Room:Lecture room M2

Where is your data? Where are the pictures from your last vacation on the beach, where is your contact list, where are the last chats you had with your loved ones? Who has access to that data, who can see it, who can download it, who can modify or delete it? Do you trust the services you use to take care of your data?

We at Nextcloud believe that you have a right to decide what happens with your data. We believe that you should be able to have as much control as possible on what belongs to no one else but you.

In this session we'll teach you (hands-on) how to set up your own Nextcloud instance.

For this workshop, bring either a laptop (if you don't have access to a server, you could do a local installation to learn how to do it) or a Raspberry Pi.

This workhop is a Nextcloud collaboration with CryptoParty aimed at home users.

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