
From 35C3 Wiki

Contact 02343253334
Description The Telnet Assmbly - Only talking in cleat // With Cat-Challenge, Hot-Wire and Arduino Spaeti
Projects Telnet Challenge: Help the Cat to wave again
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Tags telnet spaeti arduino schnitzeljagd tshirt
Registered on
Provides stage no
Location for self-organized sessions no
Orga contact {{{Has orga contact}}}URIs of the form "{{{Has orga contact}}}" are not allowed.
Uses money {{{Uses money}}}"{{{Uses money}}}" is not in the list (yes we handle money, no money handling) of allowed values for the "Uses money" property.
Need fibre {{{Need fibre}}}"{{{Need fibre}}}" is not in the list (no, yes would be great, yes its essential) of allowed values for the "Need fibre" property.
Extra Power {{{Extra power}}}
Near passage {{{Near passage}}}"{{{Near passage}}}" is not in the list (whatever, yes its essential, would be great, definitively not) of allowed values for the "Near passage" property.
Character of assembly {{{Has assembly type}}}"{{{Has assembly type}}}" is not in the list (just a gathering space, place to show and meet) of allowed values for the "Has assembly type" property.
Seats needed 0
Extra seats 0
Aread needed 0
Arrival and build up

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German version underneath.

We are the telnet assembly, a group of nerds who first met at 30c3. We got knowledge, fun, and LEDs, so feel invited to come by and have a talk with us.

Also ... ... we provide a challenge where you can win a T-Shirt. Try to interact with our cat to start the challenge! ... we can provide pretty much endless supplies for sensors, LEDs, various component for Arduinos. ... did we mention that we have LEDs? Have a look at our pillar. ... you require some lectures in electrical engineering? Talk to us! ... you want to talk to us? Talk to us!

German ----

Wir sind das Telnet Assembly. Ein einigermaßen unorganisierter Haufen Nerds der sich seit dem 30c3 irgenwie zusammengefunden hat. Kongress bedeutet für uns Wissen teilen, Spass haben und vor allem LEDs!!! Komm uns auf dem 35c3 besuchen und…

   …stelle deine nerdsklills auf die Probe mit der Winkekatzen-Challenge 2.0 und dem heißen (Telnet) Draht.
   …versorge dich mit Sensoren, LEDs und allerlei Sachen und Dingen im Arduino Späti.
   …verliere dein Augenlicht an die größte LED Litfaßsäule im sichtbaren Universum.
   …genieße deine persönliche Mikrocontroller Beratung oder ad hoc Elektrotechnikvorlesung vom Nerd in Chief.
   …oder frage uns einfach ein Loch in den Bauch z.B. was uns dazu gebracht hat so lächerlich viele LEDs auf ne verkackte Tonne zu Kleben.

Außerdem gibt es natürlich allerhand coole Aufkleber zum mitnehmen und FUCKING TELNET SHIRTS zu gewinnen!!!

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