Description Lets enjoy cheeses and related condiments together!
Type Meeting
Keyword(s) social, food, drink
Processing assembly Food Hacking Base
Person organizing Algoldor, Eunha
Language en - English
Other session...

Starts at 2013/12/29 08:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/29 10:00:00 PM
Duration 120 minutes
Location Food Hacking Base

As on the events before you are welcome to join us in tasting of international selection of cheeses and related condiments for people who would like to share these delights together. Motto “bring and share!” The time is likely to be Day 3 starting around 20:00 at Food Hacking Base assembly, lasting for around two hours, donation based event as usually.

This is a continuation of our previous cheese tasting events which we found very enjoyable. If you want to come, bring some cheese and/or related condiments like sun dried tomatoes, olives, wine etc. or/and just put some cash in donation box, thank you! The amount for tasting for +-20-30 people should be around 300-500 g of cheese, if less well fine we will run out it faster that is all what is going to happen sooner or later anyway. More variety = better. You can just donate your thing and taste it all, some budget to back up more expensive samples (or if you need to be reimbursed) will be available too as usually, please get in touch in advance if possible.

Anyway if you are interested in please should us a message on our discuss list, Twitter or Facebook and add your “darling” to the treasure list below.

PS Do not forget that this time we will have our own rennet so we can make cheese by ourselves if someone comes forward to experiment with that!

List of cheeses and related condiments.

Type of cheese Country of origin Type Amount (g) Does need reimbursement? How much reimbursed (EU)? Name/nick of cheese monger
Madeland Czech Republic semi-hard 200-400 g yes 5 Algoldor
goat-cheeses France hard enough yes 10 SawuGo
blue cheeses Pays Basque soft lots yes 10 SawuGo
Hollandse Kaas Netherlands yellow little cubes yes 10 SawuGo
Camembert & Brie france soooo soft & tender buckets full yes 10 SawuGo
assorted other "small" cheeses Europe soft/hard more yes 10 SawuGo
3 types of Amsterdam Goat-cheeze: aged(oud), Blue-veined & Camembert Netherlands soft/hard ca 600 g yes 10 webmind
2 types of dutch raw-cows-milk: oud & pittig Netherlands hard ca 700 g no 0 webmind
Assorti of french cheezes France? soft ca 1200 g yes 10 webmind
Tilsiter, blue mold, camembert Schleswig Holstein, Mecklenburg Vorpommern soft ca 800 g no 0 ofosos
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