Description Students of the „Institute for Journalism and Communication Sciences“ will present the results of this semester's seminar on the management of media convergence. Subject of the workshop will be a presentation and an open discussion of the developed strategies and projects to help developing the C3S - the first open, fair and democratic collecting society - as an agency for free culture in Europe.
Type Workshop
Keyword(s) social, political, music
Processing assembly C3S
Person organizing Schabramn, Lorenzguitar, Prof. Dr. Carsten Winter (IJK Hannover), Lorenz Grünewald (HMKW Berlin) and Joachim Haupt (UdK Berlin)
Language de - German
Other session...

Subtitle presentation of results
Starts at 2013/12/29 01:00:00 PM
Ends at 2013/12/29 02:30:00 PM
Duration 90 minutes
Location Hall F

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