Description How to knit - for complete beginners.

All you need are two sticks and a ball of yarn. All stitches are comprised of either a “knit” or “purl”. Once you know these two stitches, you’ll be on your way to knitting like a pro!

Has website!
Persons working on Medusa
Located at assembly CCCFr
Other projects...

Is it a kind of meditation or is it the best way to prevent Alzheimer's?

Whatever: we’re going to go through the process of knitting the knit stitch and the purl stitch step by step, and we’ll also cover things you need to know before you start knitting, and several important techniques (such as how to start your knitting and how to end it!).

Who can take part?

If you are an absolute beginner, you are very welcome!

Supplies you need to bring with?

I'd really like to provide you with all supplies but I'm travelling by public transport, so my space is limited. There will be some needles and some skeins of yarn.

If possible for you, bring a skein of yarn and matching needles. At the CCCFr Assembly there will be a participiant's list. Please note on the list whether you'll need yarn and needles.

You'll need

  • one skein of yarn, not too thick. Sockyarn or a little thicker will be great
  • straight needles, DP needles or a circular matching to yarn

Where is our Meeting-Point?

We'll meet at the CCCFr Assembly and then go to our knitting point. At a space where we have plenty of light and comfortability. I'll check the rooms as soon as I will arrive.

You'll provided with any informations and changes.

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