Assembly:The (un)employed schemers & lispers guild
Website |,, |
Contact | User:Ckeen |
Description | Lisp and scheme hackers all over the world gather and discuss the state of the union. We welcome beginners and interested people and will direct flamewars to the /dev/null room.
There will also be workshops, and we are always open to helping newcomers get up to speed |
Members | Alexshendi, Ckeen, DerGuteMoritz, Lispm |
Projects | create project |
Self-organized Sessions | create self-organized session |
Registered on | 21 October 2013 08:58:59 |
Location for self-organized sessions | no |
Self-organized session notes | Live coding, talks, show&tell, Q&A, help with your code! |
Other assemblies... |
[hide]Welcome Meeting
We'll meet at our assembly on the 27th at 12:30 to coordinate our schedule and/or do some warm-up hacking.
Opening hours
Who should come?
Everyone with an interest in lisp like functional programming. Yes, that includes arc, clojure or your own obscure lisp like dialect. Feel free to tell us about it.
Do I need to bring something?
Nothing special, the usual equipment suffices. For the workshops bring your computing device and a network cable, as we will be always short on those.
Of course! We are open for anyone! You want to fill in your idea in the table below and drop by and hang around with us!
Planned "events"
We plan to get some talks and hands on workshops organised. Stay tuned!
WIP Talk ideas:
- Introduction to (chicken) scheme (Ckeen)
- something interesting by DerGuteMoritz
- Scheme GUI Toolkits and how to live with them (Ckeen)
- something cool (certainty)
- ...
When | What | Who |
2012-12-27 1600hrs | Talk: Introduction to (chicken) Scheme | Ckeen |
2012-12-28 2200hrs | Live coding: Growing algorithmic plants and how they breed | Ckeen |
Stuff to bring for general infrastructure
- beamer (Alexshendi)
- Banner (DerGuteMoritz)
- Some flyers (Ckeen)
- small switch (Ckeen)
- sockets (Ckeen)
- monitor as fallback (Ckeen)