


Haskell BOF
We would like to get together with people interested in or curious about functional programming (with a bias towards Haskell). Surprise us with your level of experience and topics of interest! Here are our fallback topics:

1. We have used the <a href="projects.haskell.org/diagrams">diagrams</a> libary to do office-style charts (bar, pie, bubble, ...). It's very alpha, but does a few interesting things already. We want to publish it on patch-tag / git-hub / hackage or continue adding new features and fixing old bugs.

2. <a href="fay-lang.org">fay</a> compiles a sub-set of Haskell to javascript. We want to figure out how it works and do mean stuff to browsers with it.

If the interest is significant, we can talk about finding more time slots and locations to continue this workshop.

Type: Meeting
Person organizing User:ghuw
Orga contact soenkehahn@gmail.com

Starts at 2012/12/27 05:00:00 PM
Ends at 2012/12/27 07:00:00 PM
Duration 120 minutes
Location Speakers Corner
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