


Weblink for assembly http://ccc-mannheim.de/
Description: The Team from CCC Mannheim, with the amazing Lightwall!
Parts of assembly Dome, Pcopfer, Stean
Projects Fullcircle
Organizational information
Orga contact pcopfer@ccc-mannheim.de
Area 1a
Things we bring Lightwall
Local workshops/lectures no
Planned workshop/lectures
Member seats
Lecture seats
Power consumption The Lightwall needs 1x 16A CEE, or 2x 16A
Planning notes - Position fest im Forye Saal1 an der Treppe

- Benötigen Tische und Plätze für ca. 15 Personen - Anreise 25. Dezember - Aufbau 26.Dezember - Abbau 30.Dezember Abends + 31. Dezember - Rückfahrt 31.Dezember

Other Assemblies

About Us

We are a CCC Erfa from Mannheim. We will be present in the Forje Saal 1 with about 10 persons and our Fullcircle-Installation, which we already presented in Dessau at the Farbfest 2012 [1].


Fullcircle is similar to the Blinkenlights [2] and ACAB-Installation [3] and consists of many IKEA-Boxes with a LED in each one. Fur further Information, check our project-homepage [4] or ask us at the congress. If you want, you can also interact and develop your own input-station.

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